
An alternative shell for UNIX-based systems

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license

bash-ed is an alternative shell for UNIX-based systems. This shell implements the following:

  1. Uses child process creation which allows the user to enter and execute commands

  2. Stores and retrieves previous commands via history and !<number>

  3. Keyboard shortcuts, like the UP and DOWN arrow keys, can navigate through previous commands in the history

  4. Custom directory manipulation commands such as: create, cd, rename/move, copy and delete

  5. Supports batch processing so that scripts that are compatible with bash-ed can be run. #! bashed


How to use

  1. Clone the directory: git clone
  2. Navigate to the source directory: cd bash-ed/source
  3. Compile with make
  4. Run with ./bashed

Works with...

  • Tested with macOS Sierra (10.11+)
  • Linux distros; mainly tested with Ubuntu 16.04


All source code in this repository is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.