
DAIKIN IR remote control (ARC446A3) command for irMagician

DIKIN AC command for irMagician



DAIKIN AC IR command is variant of the AEHA format (Bi–phase coding).

The DAIKIN command is divided into four parts.

  1. BIT-0 x 5 times | STOP | GAP
  2. Leader code | DATA (64 bit) | STOP | GAP
  3. Leader code | DATA (64 bit) | STOP | GAP
  4. Leader code | DATA (152 bit) | STOP


IR Daikin: decodificare protocolli infrarossi complessi. | McMajan

Daikin-IR-Reverse: Daikin AC Infrared remote control protocol reverse

Daikin IR Protocol - CEPC R&D LABORATORY