
Config files for my development environment.

Primary LanguageLua

Getting Started

This is just my notes on how to setup these dotfiles.


Download and install SpaceMono Nerd Font from here


  • Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to $HOME/.config.
  • Set ZDOTDIR to $HOME/.config/zsh.

Use .zshenv or .zprofile to set these variables. You need to logout and login again for these to take effect.

  • Run git submodule update --init --recursive to initialize submodules.
  • pnpm to install node.js.
  • rustup to install rust and cargo.
  • (Mac) Install readline and libyaml. (Install these first before installing rbenv)
  • rbenv to install ruby and bundler.
  • Install go. -- Some language servers are written in go.
  • Install ripgrep for fzf to work properly.
  • Install zsh, tmux, kitty or alacritty.
  • Install neovim and packer for managing plugins.
  • Install flutter.
  • Run ./symlink.sh to create symlinks.

I no longer use i3.

Language Servers

See mason and null-ls configs for more details. Use mason to install language servers.


Run :checkhealth in neovim to check for any errors.