#RASPBERRY Pi Workshop (NTUOSS) This Workshop is aimed to guide to the basics of raspberry pi and GPIO controls
##Seting up: HDMI monitor, keyboard, mouse(optional)
8Gb microSD card with NOOBS install
Power supply (charger or power back with microUSB port)
Wifi module for old - generation Raspi
##On startup:
Connect to Wi-fi
sudo raspi-config:
change name, password (default name = pi, password = pi)
change keyboard to US
turn on SPI, I2C communication
turn on Camera (if needed)
Install some library and dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio
Secure Shell communication from remote
ifconfig # to get the ip address from wlan0 inet-address ( 192.168.xx.xx for local network)
ssh pi@[IP address] # to connect via ssh
scp [file] pi@[IP addess]:/home/pi/[destination] # to copy files to pi
Some basics command
sudo shutdown now # to shutdown
gpio readall # to read all GPIO input (only when wiringPi installed)
ifconfig # to get network information
sudo rasp-config # to config the pi
##GPIO tutorials:
refer to python files
##Very useful websites: