
reproduce query parameter (created via MapParams) missing in openapi for goa framework

Primary LanguageGo

Goa version v3.7.2


The expected metadata Attribute of MapOf(String, String) type is mapped to the HTTP transport as the following MapParams("metadata")

The metadata query parameter can be passed to the URL as the following: GET /multiply/?metadata[testKey]=val

The service will correctly receive map[testKey:val], but the OpenAPI generated it's not listing metadata in the endpoint.


metadata query parameter to be exposed in OpenAPI like the other mapped attributes, example:

      - in: query
        name: metadata
        description: this should be on openapi
        required: false
          type: object
          additionalProperties: true
            testKey: val
        style: deepObject


sample CLI issue

The sample CLI that is auto generated via goa example goa example calcsvc/design is producing a wrong URL (removing attribute name) when calling an endpoint with MapOf/MapParams, example:

./calc-cli calc multiply --type 1 --metadata '{"testKey": "val"}'

creates the following URL: GET /multiply/?testKey=val&type=1 but instead should create: GET /multiply/?metadata[testKey]=val&type=1