
A modern boilerplate project to quickly kickstart your Solidity project with best practices.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

solidity boilerplate

JavaScript Style Guide Solidity Style Guide Build Status

A modern boilerplate project to quickly kickstart your solidity project with best practices.


  • Truffle 5 with optimization enabled
  • Ethlint (Solium) linter with rules
  • Standard and prettier to lint JS code
  • Example contract with tests
  • Complete continuous integration setup for Travis / GitLab CI

This is not an obstructive or complex boilerplate, you can remove/add any modules with minimal effort.


  • Add solidity documentation generator
  • Add solidity coverage
  • Create truffle box

Get started

Clone repo and create your project

git clone https://github.com/nya1/solidity-boilerplate my-project


npm install


This project includes a fixed truffle version in package.json, this means a deterministic development between developers using the same codebase.


npm run compile (alias of truffle compile)

npm run build (alias of truffle build)

To run custom truffle commands with the local installed version use npm run truffle with -- delimiter, example:

npm run truffle -- debug 0x8e5dadfb921ddddfa8f53af1f9bd8beeac6838d52d7e0c2fe5085b42a4f3ca76

Will be automatically translated to (local truffle):

truffle debug 0x8e5dadfb921ddddfa8f53af1f9bd8beeac6838d52d7e0c2fe5085b42a4f3ca76


npm run test

Continuous integration

CI will:

  • Start gananche-cli node
  • Install package
  • Run linting (npm run lint)
  • Run tests (npm run test)


Lint both JS and Solidity files:

npm run lint

Javascript files only:

npm run lint:js

Solidity files only:

npm run lint:sol
