
It's a container which collect docker metrics and send it to fluentd server.

Primary LanguageShell


It's a container which collect docker metrics and send it to fluentd server.

How to run (send log data to fluentd container in same host)

Step 1. Clone github repository

git clone https://github.com/nyamage/docker-metrics-agent.git

Step 2. Build docker image based on docker file

$cd docker-metrics-agent
$docker build -t <tag name whatever you want>

Step 3. Run it!

$docker run -it --link=<fluentd server container name>:log_server --rm --name=docker_agent -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/mysys/fs/cgroup -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock <tag name in step 2>

How it works

This container uses fluentd plugin named fluent-plugin-docker-metrics to collect docker metrics and send it to fluentd server. It gets docker container list by using docker remote api and collects docker metrics from /sys/fs/cgroup. To make it works in container, you need to use volume option for cgroup and docker.sock when you run this container.

How to send log to fluentd server in different host

You need to modify server directive in fluentd/fluent.conf file. In this case, you don't need link option when you run "docker run" command.

<match docker.**>
  type forward
    host log_server