Instagram Influencers Analytics

Welcome to Instagram Influencers Analytics! 🚀

This repository contains an analysis of Instagram influencers using data obtained from Kaggle. The analysis explores various aspects of Instagram influencers, including their influence scores, countries of origin, posting habits, and more.


Instagram has become a powerhouse platform for influencers across various industries, from entertainment and sports to fashion and lifestyle. Understanding the dynamics of influencer marketing on Instagram is crucial for brands and marketers seeking to engage with their target audience effectively.


  • Analyze the top influencers based on influence scores.
  • Investigate the distribution of influencers by country.
  • Explore influencers' posting behaviors and engagement metrics.
  • Provide insights for brands and marketers looking to collaborate with influencers on Instagram.


  • csv file /: Folder containing the dataset used for analysis.
  • notebooks/: Jupyter Notebooks containing the analysis code.
  • This file providing an overview of the project.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone

2. Navigate to the project directory:

cd Instagram-Influencers-Analytics

3. Explore the analysis in the notebook