
It PICKS adult or medical or spoofs or violent images from Twitter using Google Cloud Vision API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It PICKS adult or medical or spoofs or violent images from Twitter using Google Cloud Vision API.

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  1. get and install nodejs, if you did not install it.
  2. $ npm install

Setup Twitter API Key

  1. put your api keys(you can get them from https://apps.twitter.com/)
  2. write them in a file named twit_params.js as following
module.exports = {
	consumer_key:         'YOUR CONSUMER KEY HERE',
	consumer_secret:      'YOUR CONSUMER SECRET KEY HERE',
	access_token:         'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE',
	access_token_secret:  'YOUR ACCESS SECRET TOKEN HERE',
	app_only_auth:        true

Setup Google Cloud Vision API

  1. setup according to https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/quickstart

How to use

  1. Install and setup as above
$ node getImages.js "WORD TO SEARCH" "num of tweets"