
Command-line tool to resynthesize (with chords) looped wav files using PADsynth algorithm

Primary LanguageRust


cargo install --git https://github.com/nyanpasu64/padsynth.git
# If you cloned the repo:
cargo install --path .

Usage: padsynth <WAV> <CONFIG> <OUT_WAV>

  • <WAV> Audio file to resynthesize
  • <CONFIG> Configuration file for resynthesis
  • <OUT_WAV> Output file to write to

CONFIG files are in RON format, and are conventionally named name.pad-cfg. For the schema, see src/cfg.rs. Example:

    input: (
        loop_begin: 48,
        transpose: (
            detune_cents: -10,
        pitch: Midi(60),
    output: (
        sample_rate: 10000,
        duration: Smp(8192),  // 8 * 1024
        mode: Harmonic(stdev: 0.012),
        master_volume: Power(0.5),
        random_amplitudes: false,
        chord: [
                pitch: Midi(60),
                volume: Ampl(1),
                pitch: Midi(67),
                volume: Ampl(1),
        seed: 0,