- download latest copy of Menteer
- move to server root (if on localhost specify menteer.dev so the index.php defines this as a development install) see index.php for more info
- (linux) chmod 777 /application/cache and /application/logs
- rename /application/config/config_clean.php to config.php and set the encryption to something unique
- modify /application/config/database_clean.php and email_clean.php by removing "_clean" from filename
- configure database.php to point to your database after importing the /sql/menteer.sql file into your database
- modify /application/config/ion_auth.php file as needed for the authentication library
- configure index.php to use your local environment if thats the case
- chmod 777 /uploads folder and set "php_value upload_max_filesize 20M" & "php_value post_max_size 21M" in your htaccess
- default user - > create account and change in user table -> field active to 1 for new user / to make admin see users_groups and insert user with admin group
mobile friendly and responsive
database driven (extendable)
drop and go code-base (minimal setup required)
PHP 5.4+ and MySQL 5.1 required
codeIgniter 3.0 - PHP Framework
ion_auth 2.6 - Authentication Library
normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | git.io/normalize
Bootstrap v3.3.1 (http://getbootstrap.com)
jQuery 1.11.1 (jQuery UI, jQuery Carousel Plugin, SmoothScroll Module, JavaScript Custom Forms / Checkbox Module)
Hammerjs v2.0.4
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Filtering - This filter looks for commonly used techniques to embed malicious JavaScript into your data, or other types of code that attempt to hijack cookies or do other malicious things.
SQL Injection Protection
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Protection - which is the process of an attacker tricking their victim into unknowingly submitting a request. Automatically triggered for every non-GET HTTP request.
Input Validation (All GET AND POST data Cleaned and Validated)
MySQLi Driver used
Encrypted URL used when doing sensitive tasks
SMTP (Sendgrid) email ready (out-of-the-box)
Cloudflare tested and ready
sendgrid (email STMP) - for sending email
uservoice - for feedback and user tracking
google analytics
Extending admin to manage database driven questions/questionnaire
Extending admin control panel