
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


installation instructions

  1. download latest copy of Menteer
  2. move to server root (if on localhost specify menteer.dev so the index.php defines this as a development install) see index.php for more info
  3. (linux) chmod 777 /application/cache and /application/logs
  4. rename /application/config/config_clean.php to config.php and set the encryption to something unique
  5. modify /application/config/database_clean.php and email_clean.php by removing "_clean" from filename
  6. configure database.php to point to your database after importing the /sql/menteer.sql file into your database
  7. modify /application/config/ion_auth.php file as needed for the authentication library
  8. configure index.php to use your local environment if thats the case
  9. chmod 777 /uploads folder and set "php_value upload_max_filesize 20M" & "php_value post_max_size 21M" in your htaccess
  10. default user - > create account and change in user table -> field active to 1 for new user / to make admin see users_groups and insert user with admin group


  • mobile friendly and responsive

  • database driven (extendable)

  • drop and go code-base (minimal setup required)

  • PHP 5.4+ and MySQL 5.1 required

technology stack / open source


  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Filtering - This filter looks for commonly used techniques to embed malicious JavaScript into your data, or other types of code that attempt to hijack cookies or do other malicious things.

  • SQL Injection Protection

  • CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Protection - which is the process of an attacker tricking their victim into unknowingly submitting a request. Automatically triggered for every non-GET HTTP request.

  • Input Validation (All GET AND POST data Cleaned and Validated)

  • MySQLi Driver used

  • Encrypted URL used when doing sensitive tasks

  • Forced SSL/HTTPS

  • SMTP (Sendgrid) email ready (out-of-the-box)

  • Cloudflare tested and ready

optional services used

  • sendgrid (email STMP) - for sending email

  • uservoice - for feedback and user tracking

  • google analytics

road map

  • Extending admin to manage database driven questions/questionnaire

  • Extending admin control panel

  • ?