APX market data parser

  • It has json file read.
  • It has some validations and save db.


Firstly, Postgresql database is used in the project. So a new database should be created according to the following information:

  • Jdk 1.8

  • Gradle 3.1

  • Postgresql

Setup And Run

-You need to edit the application properties file according to your own db information.

  • After you can use app.

  • You can change input in apx-data.json file. You have to use json format.


Swagger: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#

SpringBoot Api: http://localhost:8080

*All Quotes in Order Preferred : localhost:8080/ivx/inquireQuotes -GET METHOD

All Quotes : localhost:8080/ivx/getQuotes -GET METHOD

Save All Quotes to PostgreSql Pt : localhost:8080/ivx/saveAllQuotes -GET METHOD

Used technologies

SpringBoot: For api.

Write/Read Files: Reading all data from json file and save pt.

Swagger: All endpoints are easily schematized.