
A Simple Java Client for Bit.yl

Primary LanguageJava

A Simple Java Client for Bit.ly

Example Usage

// Expand the bit.ly using system arg values
BitlyClient.create().links().expand(new URL("http://bit.ly/ze6poY")); // returns http://google.com/
// Expand the bit.ly using variables
BitlyClient.create(userName, password).links().expand(new URL("http://bit.ly/ze6poY"));  // returns http://google.com/
// Query for bit.ly link 
BitlyClient.create().links().lookup(new URL("http://google.com")) // returns "http://bit.ly/ze6poY
// Shorten a link
BitlyClient.create().links().shorten(new URL("http://google.com")); // returns a bit.ly link

// You can also create an instance of "Links" and then use that to interact with Bit.ly links. For Example:
Links links = BitlyClient.create().links();
links.expand(new URL("http://bit.ly/ze6poY")); // returns http://google.com/

See the unit tests. They explain everything.


The existing APIs either:

1. Only support OAUTH (Understandable but "actual" front end users may not be the only consumers of Bit.ly)
2. The other existing APIs are (IMVHO) not very intuitive
3. Why Not? (JK)
