A Python tool to make interactive Corner Plots based on XSPEC MCMC chains saved to FITS files.
The program will open two matplotlib
windows, one with a corner plot and another one with a list of CheckButtons
and TextBoxes
to interactively select the parameters to be plotted in the corner plot, and edit the individual titles/labels shown.
The three last CheckButtons
in the list allow to turn on and off the smoothed 2D contours
in the Corner Plot, and to play with Titles
and XYlabels
in the plot.
The program also displays a summary with the main statistics of the available parameters in the chain file using the samples selected by the user.
In the tkinter
version, a tk
window is opened with buttons
and textboxes
for every parameter, a matplotlib
plot embedded, and a button to Update the plot when needed.
Basic: The user must provide the path/name
to the MCMC XSPEC chain FITS file.
python pyXspecCorner.py 'MCMC_chain.fits'
or alternatively
python tkXspecCorner.py 'MCMC_chain.fits'
to get a faster version based on tkinter
Optional: The user can also provide the burn in and/or number of samples to use for plotting purposes, and plotting parameters like the number of bins, number format, and label padding
python pyXspecCorner.py 'MCMC_chain.fits' --burn 300 --samples 1000 --bins 50 --format .3f --labelpad 0.1
Usage help: The user can get additional description/help
using the argparse helper.
python pyXspecCorner.py -h