
Newbie Level Project

Social-proof Section

This was a very basic project for testing how well I understand layout. The sections appear as block elements on small screens but use CSS grid on larget screens. View the live site here

Testimonials Grid Section

This was a very basic project for practicing CSS grid as well as media queries. View the live site here

Junior Level Projects

Advice generator Project

I practiced working with APIS using the fetch API and the advice generator API. The site generates a random advice anytime the button is clicked. View it live here

GitHub API Project

I continued working with APIS using the fetch API and the GitHub API. The site allows users to fetch information from the API by searaching for a valid GitHub user. View it live here

Tip Calculator Project

I've noticed that as I build more projects, I am getting more fascinated with JavaScript. The most intersting part of this project was the JavaScript. I am therefore going to commence a journey to brush up my JavaScript. View the live tip calculator app here

SunnySide Agency Project

In this project, I practiced my CSS grid chops by building a very colorful landing page. View the live landing page here

Fylo Dark Theme Project

In this project, I practiced how to layout a page using CSS flexbox. View the live landing page here