
[2020_05_09] Pratt SAVI 810 Final Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

US and South Korea COVID-19 Response Comparison & Analysis

[2020_05_11] Pratt SAVI 810 - Python for GIS Final Project

Project Proposal


The purpose of this project is to have some well-written and well-documented code in a GitHub repository that illustrates you can write some Python code. This project is for your Portfolio, so pick something you are interested in or that's useful (either in some professional work or automating some task). Learn how the project is evaluated (rubric).

Project Routes

There's a couple of routes you can go;

  1. Creating a Tool to Automate a Task - usually for some task automation, less an analysis, more data engineering.
  2. Performing Data Analysis to Answer a Research Question - this type of project requires plots and data insights.

Since writing the code is the challenging part. Do not think about this in scope of a normal project. Keep your scope focused! Keep it limited in functionality and if you finish early, you can add more features. I've seen students go down some pretty deep rabbit holes and emerge with some very disorganized projects. You could have only 30 lines of code or so, and still have a great project so long as the code is well written and the doc's are informative and it has some functionality that's useful in some capacity. Most likely someone such as a hiring manager will only glance at your Repository, so you want it to be organized and clean and very clear as to its purpose.

Project Submission

You will Fork and Clone this Repo and edit this README.md Markdown file. This is your submission, just the link to your forked Repo and edited README.md file. This project should be the edited version of this README.md (Markdown) file.

Learn more about Markdown.

Most code editors allow editing of Markdown files, some recommended editors are;


Executive Summary

A brief description of your final project idea.

  • Why are you doing this project?

    • Amid the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, I would like to provide a clear presentation of the different COVID-19 outbreak responses, specifically South Korea and the U.S., and their outcomes
  • How do you imagine you'll accomplish this project?

    • Collect COVID-19 data from both US government and South Korea government
    • Organize and modify collected data
    • Create interactive maps, charts, timelines
    • Compare and contrast
    • Analyze
  • Is this a project Creating a Tool to Automate a Task or Performing Data Analysis to Answer a Research Questio?

    • This project will focus more on data analysis rather than task automation.

This should be a paragraph or so and provide a high-level overview of your project. Again this is a summary, so think of this as the "Elevator Pitch".


A more detailed background of your project, please include any information that would be useful for understanding the context of the project. This can be as long or short as you'd like.

The initial idea behind this project was to create a tool to automate an interactive map for **contact tracing**. Contact tracing is a concept of tracing and monitoring contacts and travels of each confirmed case (infected person). Sharing this data anonymously to the public and notifying people of their exposure. Ultimately this helps to prevent additional transmission. China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore effectively and successfully utilized technology for contact tracing and slowed the spread of coronavirus. However, due to privacy concerns, western countries like the U.S., Italy, Spain, and France are experiencing difficulty deploying technology to share data on the confirmed cases.

South Korea has been looked up to by many country leaders who are fighting against the novel coronavirus. South Korea and Hong Kong are the top two countries that are successfully beating the pandemic. I wanted to see how South Korea's approach and response differed to the U.S.'. This will include not only COVID-19 related data (confirmed cases, fatalities, testing, etc.) but also each country leader's and their administration's response, WHO/CDC/HHS's announcements, and other major changes affected by coronavirus. I will then analyze the comparison and contrast with appropriate data visualization.


List any possible articles, resources or analysis or anything useful and include links and perhaps annotate a sentence as to the key findings of this resource. Or if you cannot find any resources please mention.

Resources List

U.S. COVID-19 Data
U.S. Response & Announcements
South Korea
South Korea Response & Announcements

Input Data

Data Sources List

List any possible data including links with any input data sources you'll be using.


Data Wish List

List and describe any type of data you'd like to include but had difficulty tracking down.

  • Data Wish List Item A - description
  • Data Wish List Item B - description

Technical Requirements

Python Libraries

List any Python libraries you think you may need. Desribe what you may use them for.

  • from datetime import datetime

    • work with dates as date objects (manipulate dates)
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    • create static, animated, and interactive data visualizations
  • import seaborn as sns

    • based on Matplotlib, provides a high-level interface for data visualization
  • import numpy as np

    • scientific computing for multidimentional array objects
  • import pandas as pd

    • create data structures, perform data analysis and manipulation
  • import geopandas as gpd / from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    • work with geospatial data and perform spatial/geometric operations (done by shapely) on geometric types
    • manage projections, geocode, geoprocess
  • from shapely.geometry import Point

    • MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, etc
  • import folium

    • create interactive leaflet map
  • import plotly.express as px

    • (interface to Plotly) create interactive maps
  • from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

    • locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countires, and landmarks across the globe
    • Nominatim is a search engine for OpenStreetMap data
  • import networkx as nx

    • create and manipulate networks' structure, dynamics, and functions
  • import osmnx as ox

    • retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks from OpenStreetMap
    • download spatial geometries and model, project, visualize, and analyze street networks and other spatial data from OSM's APIs

Library Wish List

Also note any libraries or functionality that you may need that you're not sure exists. Try your best to articulate this in words. This will be helpful if I can provide any libraries to suggest for use in the project.

  • Python Library Wish List Item A - description of desired functionality
  • Python Library Wish List Item B - description of desired functionality

Not sure yet

Measuring Success:

  • How will you measure your project's sucess?
    • Is there some metric you'd hope to generate from your project.

    • Is there some plot or visualization that will be generated?

      • There will be multiple plots and visualizations for easier understanding of input data. I'll try to make them interactive as well.
    • Is some manual task now fully automated?

      • COVID-19 daily data update automation

Project Execution Plan Outline

Week of 4/20/2020
* Background Research - check location of dataset and data validity
  • All Data Collection/Processing

    • Collecting and looking for additional data
    • Cleaning, organizing, formatting, modifying for data preparation
  • Exploratory Spatial Data Processing for Interpretation/Analysis

    • Summarize the input data, plot and examine any columns that may be useful.

Week of 4/27

  • Exploratory Non-Spatial Data Processing for Interpretation/Analysis
    • Summarize the input data, plot and examine any columns that may be useful.

Week of 5/4

  • Results and Conclusion
    • Key findings
    • Was your Project Successful.
    • Generate Assumptions and Limitations.