
NRMeric - ESP Powered NeoPixel Display for Node Red

Primary LanguageObjective-C


NRMeric - ESP Powered NeoPixel Display for Node Red

This Arduino sketch if for a display project I built using an ESP 8266 (Wemos D1 Mini) driving a 32x8 Neopixel matrix display. The sketch works with a Node Red flow getting updates and instructions what to display on the screen.

There are a few Youtube videos on this project if you are interested: Summary of the project: https://youtu.be/ciXnR66AKC0 Details of the Node Red flow: https://youtu.be/sclpkjI_Mo4 Details of this Arduino sketch: https://youtu.be/rqeYo8oAh94

Update 31.10.2018: New version of the ino file has been uploaded which fixes the issue around constant dump and restart of the ESP. The new code runs for days without any issues in my setup.