
Build Status


Start application on development environment (You must have Docker and Docker Compose configured in your machine):

make start/development

How this project was built

The application was created based on akka-api-template and is developed using Scala with Akka Actors.


The application is organized in two repositories:


geladinha-resources was created using Protobuf that allow contract definition without programming language dependency. It was created in a separated repository in order to make easier to release new versions and to consume then on clients. Actually the geladinha also consumes geladinha-resources (see dependencies/resources task). This structure allow clients to generate the code that will represent the geladinha interface which speeds up the client development and make it easier to update on new releases. The releases could be seen on Github releases page and the version changes could easily be seen on Github.


geladinha provides a rest API that could be accessed using JSON or Protobuf Binary payloads. We strongly encourage Protobuf binary due lower payload size and faster parsing.

The solution was made using a Postgres database with Postgis extension that provides spatial operations that were used to solve the given problem.

Build, ship and run

Project utility tasks are made using Make in order to organize several tools integrations.

We build and ship the project using Docker. We also use Docker Compose to manage project dependencies, such as databases.

Continuous Integration

CircleCI is responsible by run the CI and is configured to run at every Pull Request and on master merges.


  • Unit tests - Unit tests are being used to test business rules and orchestration components mocking their dependencies.
  • Integration tests - Testing external dependencies integrations, here our Postgres database.
  • Acceptance tests - All API endpoints have end-to-end tests that guarantee the expected behaviour.


Swagger is used to document API endpoints and their contracts. It also provides an UI to manually test the endpoints. This UI could be accessed when application is running here

Protobuf messages are also documented and they generate useful documentation when trying to understand the domain of the API. We have a Markdown and HTML versions.


All logs are using the Gelf format which have a well defined pattern to support general log messages and also customized ones.

geladinha specifics

The project was organized in a component based way. Instead of spreading functionalities over "framework"'s logic the project favors functionalities as first order structure driver. This means that different layers of a same functionality are placed together:

tree src/main/scala/com/zxventures/geladinha/components/pointOfSale
├── ActorMessages.scala
├── PointOfSaleRepositoryActor.scala
├── PointOfSaleRepository.scala
├── PointOfSaleRoute.scala
├── PointOfSale.scala
├── PointOfSaleServiceActor.scala
└── PointOfSaleValidator.scala




We use a handful Makefile that knows how to compile, build, test and publish the application into a docker image. The whole idea to use make aims into the premise of providing almost-zero-setup requirement to run day-to-day task when developing and deploying an application.


  • make start/development: Start application on local development environment.
  • make start/clean/development: Clean started development application dependencies.
  • make build: Build a self-contained jar with all dependencies included.
  • make image: Build a Docker image with the latest tag (implicates build).
  • make image/publish: Publishes the built image (implicates build and image).
  • make dependencies/resources: Download the Protobuf files and generate the Scala classes that will be used by the project. (Please look at Makefile in order to configure proto_version)
  • make test/compile: Compile application with test dependencies.
  • make test: All-in-one command to start requirements, compile and test the application.


Running the application

We can run application on development environment through on demand generated application docker image using local docker-compose dependencies.

make start/development

In order to clean start/development dependencies just run:

make start/clean/development