
Delete an email with the Nylas Java SDK!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This sample will show you to easily delete a message from your inbox with the Nylas Java SDK.


System dependencies

  • Java 18.0.2
  • Maven 3.8.6

Gather environment variables

You'll need the following values:


Add the above values to a new .env file:

$ touch .env # Then add your env variables

Install dependencies

org.slf4j / slf4j-simple / 1.7.25
com.nylas.sdk / nylas-java-sdk / 1.16.0
io.github.cdimascio / dotenv-java / 2.2.4


To compile we need to use this maven command:

mvn package


Run the app using the maven command:

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="DeleteEmail"

When successfull, it will display a message confirming the deletion

Learn more

Visit our Nylas Java SDK documentation to learn more.