
Implementation of EfficientPS paper for Panoptic segmentation

Primary LanguagePython

Efficient PS

Disclaimer: This is a personal project, where I recorded Efficient PS in a month. Feel free to use my code. Note that the authors also shared their code.

Paper: Efficient PS

Code from the authors: here


To create this code I used multiple frameworks:

How to use

  • Download Cityscape Dataset:
git clone https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts.git
# City scapes script
pip install git+https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts.git
# Panoptic
CITYSCAPES_DATASET=/path/to/abovementioned/cityscapes python cityscapesscripts/preparation/createPanopticImgs.py
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio===0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -U albumentations
pip install pytorch-lightning
pip install inplace-abn
pip install efficientnet_pytorch
python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git'
pip install git+https://github.com/cocodataset/panopticapi.git
  • Modify config.yaml
  • Run train_net.py

Choice of implementation

1 - Original Configuration of the authors

Training config
	Solver: SGD
		lr: 0.007
		momentum: 0.9
	Batch_size: 16
	Image_size: 1024 x 2048
	Norm: SyncInplaceBN
		- RandomCrop
		- RandomFlip
			- Normalize
	Warmup: 200 iterations 1/3 lr to lr
	Scheduler: StepLR
		- step [120, 144]
		- total epoch: 160

2 - Adapted configuration to my resources

The authors trained their models using 16 NVIDIA Titan X GPUs. Due to the fact that I only had one GPU to train the model, I could not use the same configuration. Here is a summary of the necessary implementation decisions:

  • I first wanted on a batch size of one to keep the same image size. But the 1024 x 2048 image did not fit into memory. So I reduced the size of the images by 2 leading to 512 x 1024 images.
  • Still I could not fit many images into memory, in order to increase the batch size and the speed of the training I decided to use mixed precision training. Mixed precision training is simply combining single precision (32 bit) tensor with half precision (16bit) tensor. Using 16bit tensor frees up a lot of memory and also speeds up the overall training, but it can also reduce the performance of the overall training. (More information in the paper)
  • Using a smaller images size and 16 bit precision enabled me to have a batch size of 3 images.
  • For the optimizer, I decided to use Adam which is more stable and so requires less optimisation to reach good performances, I reduced the learning rate base on the ratio of batch size between their implementation and mine, giving me a learning rate of 1.3e-3 . Base on my experiments changing the learning rate did not seem to make a big impact.
  • Since I was not able to train for the number of epochs used during the training (160 epochs), I decided to use ReduceLROnPlateau as a scheduler in order to optimize my performance on a small number of epochs.
  • For the augmentations:
    • I did not use RandomCrop, mainly because I did not have time to optimize the creation of the batch with different image sizes. In their case they have one image per batch, so the problem does not occur. I could have still used random scale on higher scale in order to perform random cropping but it was not my top priority.
    • RandomFlip and Normalisation (with the statistics of the dataset) are applied
  • On the testing pipeline: I did not do multiscaling for the testing procedure.

To sum up, we have:

Training config
	Solver: Adam
		lr: 1.3e-3
	Batch_size: 3
	Image_size: 512 x 1024
	Norm: InplaceBN
		- RandomFlip
			- Normalize
	Warmup: 500 iterations lr/500 to lr
	Scheduler: ReduceLROnPlateau
		- patience 3
		- min lr: 1e-4


Best metrics I obtained, with the config given as default:

Epoch 21  |    PQ     SQ     RQ     N
All       |  45.4   75.4   57.9    19
Things    |  34.4   73.3   46.6     8
Stuff     |  53.4   76.9   66.0    11

Tensorboard of my best training