
Authentication as a microservice

Primary LanguagePython

Authix: Scalable Authentication Service

Welcome to Authix, an authentication service designed based on a talk by Brian Pontarelli.

Authix provides a comprehensive solution for user authentication, built on the principles of JWT (pronounced 'jot') and refresh tokens.

Key Features

  1. User Registration: Users can sign up using their email and password. Users are stored in MongoDB.

  2. User Login: Upon successful login, users receive:

    • A JWT access token in the Authorization header for immediate access.
    • A longer-lived refresh token as an HTTP cookie for extended sessions.
  3. Access Token Management: Generate new JWT access tokens using the provided refresh token, ensuring seamless user experiences.

  4. Public Key: Services can verify JWTs independently via public key, thereby reducing inter-service network calls.

  5. Secure Logout: Users are logged out by deleting their refresh token from storage, which thereby removes the possibility to create new access tokens. Furthermore, it informs all connected services via Kafka to reject JWTs from the logged-out user, that have been created prior to logging out.

  6. Token Lifespan:

    • JWT access tokens are valid for 5 minutes.
    • Refresh tokens, stored in REDIS, last for 4 weeks.


User Perspective

graph TB
  A["User"] -- "Register" --> B["/register"]
  A -- "Login" --> C["/login"]
  C -- "JWT & Refresh Token" --> A
  A -- "Use Refresh Token" --> D["/access_token"]
  D -- "New JWT" --> A
  A -- "Logout" --> E["/logout"]

Service Perspective

graph TB
  S["Service"] -- "Retrieve Public Key" --> PK["/public_key"]
  S -- "Verify JWT" --> V["Verify JWT using Public Key"]
  S -- "Handle Logout Broadcast" --> L["Reject soon-to-expire JWTs"]


On a single computer, running Authix via uvicorn with 16 workers, expect:

Create 1K users

1000 /register

2.97 seconds

Create 1K users, and login each user.

1000 /register
1000 /login

6.28 seconds

Create 10 users, for each user login, and call /access_token 1K times.

10 /register
10 /login
10000 /access_token

3.43 seconds