

  • check values ( work in root token for all inputs, not processed/vault token)
  • add earn page
  • add cream lending
  • add cover protocol
  • add overall vault statistics
  • remember vault filter selections
  • Add row based view for dashboard/invest
  • Implement more breakpoints
  • add Backscrather vault
  • add withdrawal fee amount under withdraw
  • add how many vault tokens you will get under deposit
  • add balance auto refreshing every x seconds ( change to x48 subscription maybe )
  • Refactor coingecko API call to be 1 call for all assets. If possible. (probably 2 (get all supported assets) filter addresses that are valid, do call)
  • Change coingecko API to uniquote onchain calls if connected
  • Include V1 style actions (deposit/withdraw) expanded for vaults. Similar to lending currently
  • Add vault type groupings (Stablecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, )
  • Expand stats screen to include a dashboard style view. Cards with customised vaults displayed. Graphs, the whole shebang.
  • Graphs show $ value growth instead of just holdings
  • implement mobx


  • X48 site review.

  • Never try to open Metamask on first load

  • Let users input amounts they don't have

  • Multicall all the things

  • Browse as any account

  • Show data even if no web3 available

  • Remember connected wallet

  • Allow signing main transaction while approve is pending (this is just

  • showing the status of transactions

  • linking to etherscan transactions on completion or failure

  • watch wallets and previously watched gets saved

  • zaps

  • WalletConnect support

  • Direct link to contract's Etherscan page

  • Add token to Metamask

  • Lets users to desconnect the wallet

  • WalletConnect option available

  • ligth version for mobile

  • show connected address (hide some characters)

  • show connected network

  • if testnet/manet changes.. don’t update instantly before showing a confirmation

Expect txs to fail;

  • Expect txs to take long time;
  • Be network (main, xdai etc) aware;
  • Do not connect to wallet instantly, wait till user request it.
  • Support mobile options.