
A script to check the daily connection uptime for NymConnect network requesters

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Service Connection Checker

This is a script to check the connectivity of a set of network requesters. It tries to curl the healthcheck.json file located here and parse the json there. In order to pass the connectivity check the network-requesters will have to include nymtech.net in their allowed.list.

The success or failure of the connection test, and whether the requester can parse the healthcheck.json file, is written to a file. The name of this file is the date the script is run, located in results/.

We assume for the moment that timeout == file isnt on whitelist because at the moment the network-requester doesn't send a failure response when a request is blocked: this will be fixed in an upcoming release

how it works

  • the script grabs the directory of service providers used for NymConnect from this file with curl and stores it in the root of the project directory.
  • it loops through each provider (client address of each network requester) for each supported service - Keybase, Electrum, and Telegram. For each it:
    • initialises a nym-socks5-client connected to the network requester client.
    • runs a nym-socks5-client.
    • attempts to curl the healthcheck.json file located here through this socks5 connection, and parse the json object.
    • writes the success or failure of this to a file in results/


  • make sure you have a nym-socks5-client avaliable local to where the script is going to run. You may with to either build the binary according to the build instructions in the docs, or grab the binary from our releases page.
  • add the path to your Nym socks5 client binary to the FILEPATH const on line 11 of index.js (could also be loaded from .env in a future iteration)
  • install dependencies with npm i

run it

  • node index.js