A dark and light Neovim theme written in fennel, inspired by IBM Carbon.
- 3
Labels of inputs not readable
#88 opened by eddy147 - 7
- 5
Semantic token support
#54 opened by ambroisie - 0
Selected highlighted text is unreadable
#91 opened by ZirixCZ - 0
Bold and Italic support with neorg
#89 opened by LykosEleutherios - 0
- 0
Folded text is too dark
#86 opened by bmariuszb - 3
- 2
FR: Add styling for markdown
#39 opened by chrisgrieser - 0
Add highlight for WinSeparator
#82 opened by fingolfin19 - 3
Support for lualine?
#10 opened by nexxeln - 0
- 0
Reference Color Palette?
#79 opened by lougreenwood - 3
[Feature? request] Oxocarbon Alacritty
#28 opened by richardhttps - 11
colors are looking weird on cmp menu
#45 opened by datsfilipe - 4
warning at startup when setup{} empty param
#75 opened by lost22git - 1
Feature request: Support indent-blankline
#74 opened by haunt98 - 0
- 6
Telescope looks Off
#41 opened by jrock2004 - 4
- 0
Light colorscheme LspReferences Highlight
#59 opened by idr4n - 0
Feature request: add transparency support
#58 opened by datsfilipe - 1
#55 opened by pwnwriter - 2
missing diff & CurSearch highlights
#27 opened by gegoune - 1
vscode support
#34 opened by stupidanon - 2
color isn't applied to all jsx tags
#46 opened by datsfilipe - 3
- 4
Is there a way to disable italics?
#40 opened by Yohnny777 - 1
Disable bold?
#35 opened by chrisgrieser - 3
- 1
- 3
Inconsistent colors
#29 opened by sorashi - 0
fatal runtime error
#32 opened by deniserdogan - 2
- 7
HDR Screenshots Look Terrible on Linux
#24 opened by wildwestrom - 9
oxothread panicked
#16 opened by quantum-booty - 2
It doesn't tell you when it fails to install due to Rust not being installed
#6 opened by creemy0cheesekake - 2
:colorscheme oxocarbon only works once
#4 opened by rodamaral - 0
This is still not working?
#30 opened by hrqmonteiro - 0
Fennel branch errors
#23 opened by gegoune - 2
Crash on usage
#22 opened by emilycares - 2
Cannot open neovim
#21 opened by iamb4uc - 2
Failed to install packer
#19 opened by deniserdogan - 2
cargo fail to build
#12 opened by fecet - 0
- 1
panic when starting neovim
#15 opened by quyykk - 7
module 'oxocarbon' not found
#3 opened by Integralist - 10
Error after installing
#8 opened by hrqmonteiro - 3
- 3
Error in `oxocarbon.so:1`
#2 opened by metalelf0