DRONE ANARCHY ========================== A simple experimental project inspired by NinjaSnowWars and intended to be used in exploring the basic and essential parts of Urho3D(http://urho3d.github.io/). Drone Anarchy also serves as Urho3D's Proof-Of-Concept for PROJECT DARKDOVE(http://darkdove.proboards.com/). This work is Licensed under the MIT license, see License.txt for details. Credits ---------- DARKDOVE team APPRECIATION --------------- Urho3D Developers TO USE -------- Copy the DroneAnarchy folder into the current working directory of the Drone Anarchy executable. For C++, add the source files contained in Source folder to your Urho3D C++ project and build To run using Urho3DPlayer and AngelScript simply pass DroneAnarchy.as file, which is contained in the DroneAnarchy/Resources/Scripts folder, to the Urho3DPlayer. GAME PLAY ------------ - Move mouse to rotate - Mouse Click to Shoot - KEY P to toggle Pause - ESC To Quit NOTE ----- - Urho3D v1.4 and upward is required - A method used to ensure better randomness of the Random() function involves tweaking the code of Urho3DPlayer by adding the following line in its Setup() function //C++ srand(time(NULL) % 1000); SetRandomSeed(rand()); // CONTRIBUTORS ------------- BlueMagnificent jimmarlowe (Jim)