Nuxt 3 Minimal Starter

Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.


Make sure to install the dependencies:

# yarn
yarn install

# npm
npm install

# pnpm
pnpm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

npm run dev


Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview

Check out the deployment documentation for more information.

Learned Instructions for Ionic/Capacitor module for Nuxt 3

First, follow the instructions here to get everything installed and enabling Capacitor

Before you install iOS and Android, run a generate once

npm run generate

Then follow the instructions to add ios and android.

run dev to generate the ionic.config.json file

npm run dev

if the ionic.config.json does not appear when running the first time, run the following init

ionic init

If your default.vue layout is not rendering, add a App.vue to the root and add the following:

<script setup>
import { IonApp } from '@ionic/vue'
    <NuxtPage />

if you added an App.vue file, add the following to your global css file:

body { 
  position: relative;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-y: auto;
  transform: none;

SSR setup

We want SSR to run on the web, but not on the native app. To do this,

add the following var to the .env file:


then, add the following to the nuxt.config.js file:

ssr: process.env.ISAPP === 'false' ? true : false,

Not sure how to change this when generating the app, but it should be possible.

Update ionic.config.json

Update the ionic.config.json file to include the following:

  "name": "com.nypr.YOURAPPNAME",
  "integrations": {
    "capacitor": {}
  "type": "vue"

Update capacitor.config.json

Update the capacitor.config.json file to include the following:

  "appId": "com.nypr.YOURAPPNAME",
  "appName": "YOURAPPNAME",
  "webDir": ".output/public",
  "bundledWebRuntime": false,
  "plugins": {
    "SplashScreen": {
      "launchShowDuration": 0
      //additional splash screen options here

Find and replace io.ionic.starter with com.nypr.YOURAPPNAME in the \android\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml and \android\app\build.gradle files.

Find and replace nuxt-ionic-project with YOURAPPNAME in \android\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml and \ios\App\App\Info.plist files.

Additional plugins documention can be found here

Additional SplashScreen documentation can be found here

Generating Icons and Splash Screens

In the root of the public folder, add the following files: logo.png, icon.png and splash.png.

You can use these PSD Templates to create your splash and icon images.

install this package:

npm install @capacitor/assets

add this file to the assets folder: copyToAssets.js

const fs = require('fs')

const images = ['logo.png', 'splash.png']
images.forEach((image) => {
    console.log('Copying images to platforms...', image)
    fs.copyFile(`./public/${image}`, `./assets/${image}`, (err) => {
        if (err) throw err
        console.log(`${image} was copied to assets/`)

add the following to the package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "generate-splash": "node assets/copyToAssets.js && npx capacitor-assets generate"

Then, to generate all the icons and splash screens for all platforms run the following command:

npm run generate-splash

This will create grab the images in your public folder and generate and configure all the icons and splash images in a folder on the root called icons

If the generate script is not set up, add it to yout package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "generate": "nuxt generate",

Build for Android

npm run gererate
npx cap sync
npx cap open android 

npx cap open android will open Android Studio. From there, you can build the app and run it on an emulator or device. In the lower right of Android Studio, you may be prompted to update Gradle. If so, do so and follow the instructions to update it. To build the debug APK file in Android Studio, go to Build > Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) > Build APK(s) and follow the instructions. To build the production installer APK file in Android Studio, go to Build > Generate Signed Bundle... and follow the instructions.

To install the debug APK file on a device, go to Run > Run 'app' and follow the instructions.

Setup for iOS

in terminal install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

then install cocoaPods:

brew install cocoapods

Build for iOS

npm run gererate
npx cap sync
npx cap open ios 

npx cap open ios will open Xcode. From there, you can build the app and run it on an emulator or device.

Setup for push notifications

npm install @capacitor/push-notifications
npm i firebase

Update the capacitor.config.json file

add the following to the capacitor.config.json file:

 "plugins": {
    "PushNotifications": {
      "presentationOptions": ["badge", "sound", "alert"]

Create custom notification icon:

Go to this site and create a custom notification icon. Be sure to use the name ic_stat_notification_default. Make sure your source image is white on a transparent background PNG. Download the zip file and place the 5 folders in the android\app\src\main\res\ folder.

Add Meta-data tag to the AndroidManifest.xml

/android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml add the following in the <application>

<meta-data android:name=""   android:resource="@drawable/ic_stat_notification_default" />

If you want to add a custome backgorund color to your notification icon, add this as well.

    <meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@color/customColorAccent" tools:replace="android:resource"/>

... then also add the following to the <manifest> tag:

    <manifest xmlns:tools="" >

...then, create a new file in the android\app\src\main\res\values folder called colors.xml and add the following (replace the hex code with your color):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="colorPrimary">#de1e3d</color>
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#de1e3d</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#de1e3d</color>
    <color name="customColorAccent">#de1e3d</color>

Set up Firebase Project

Create a new project in Firebase. Make sure the project name is the same as the appName in the capacitor.config.json file. Add and Android app to the project. STEP 1: For Android package name, put your appId from the capacitor.config.json file. example com.nypr.YOURAPPNAME STEP 2: Download the google-services.json file and place it in the android/app folder. STEP 3: Follow the instructions for adding code the 2 build.gradle files

Add Firebase plugin

Add a file to your project /plugins/firebase.client.ts and add the following code & set up the ENV variables:

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'

export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {
    const config = useRuntimeConfig()

    const firebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: config['API_KEY'],
        projectId: 'YOURAPPNAME',
        messagingSenderId: config['SENDER_ID'],
        appId: config['APP_ID'],

    const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)

Be sure to check that all these packages are installed. They should be, but just double check at this point in the process:

  "@capacitor/android": "4.6.2",
  "@capacitor/app": "4.1.1",
  "@capacitor/assets": "^2.0.4",
  "@capacitor/core": "4.6.2",
  "@capacitor/haptics": "4.1.0",
  "@capacitor/ios": "4.6.2",
  "@capacitor/keyboard": "4.1.0",
  "@capacitor/push-notifications": "^4.1.2",
  "@capacitor/status-bar": "4.1.1",

Add script to your project (default.vue layout is prob best)

import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import { App, URLOpenListenerEvent } from '@capacitor/app'
import { PushNotifications } from '@capacitor/push-notifications'
import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core'

const fcmToken = ref('')

const addListeners = async () => {
  await PushNotifications.addListener('registration', (token) => {
    fcmToken.value = token.value'Registration token: ', token.value)

  await PushNotifications.addListener('registrationError', (err) => {
    console.error('Registration error: ', err.error)

  await PushNotifications.addListener(
    (notification) => {
      console.log('Push notification received: ', notification)

  await PushNotifications.addListener(
    (notification) => {
        'Push notification action performed',
  await App.addListener('appUrlOpen', function (event: URLOpenListenerEvent) {
    // Example url:
    // slug = /tabs/tabs2
    const slug = event.url.split('.app').pop()
    // We only push to the route if there is a slug present
    if (slug) {
      router.push({ path: slug })
  await App.addListener('appStateChange', ({ isActive }) => {
    console.log('App state changed. Is active?', isActive)

  await App.addListener('appRestoredResult', (data) => {
    console.log('Restored state:', data)

const registerNotifications = async () => {
  let permStatus = await PushNotifications.checkPermissions()

  if (permStatus.receive === 'prompt') {
    permStatus = await PushNotifications.requestPermissions()

  if (permStatus.receive !== 'granted') {
    throw new Error('User denied permissions!')

  await PushNotifications.register()

const getDeliveredNotifications = async () => {
  const notificationList = await PushNotifications.getDeliveredNotifications()
  console.log('delivered notifications', notificationList)

const checkAppLaunchUrl = async () => {
  const url = await App.getLaunchUrl()
  console.log('App opened with URL: ' + url)

onMounted(() => {
  if (Capacitor.getPlatform() !== 'web') {

      <p>fcm token =</p>
      <input :value="fcmToken" />

register the scheme iOS

Add the following to the bottom of the info.plist file in the ios/App/App folder:


register the scheme Android

Add the following to the activity section in the AndroidManifest.xml file in the android/app/src/main folder:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <!-- the line below stopped the click on the notification from working -->
    <!-- <data android:scheme="@string/custom_url_scheme" /> -->

Xcode setup

Enable the iOS Push Notifications

On iOS you must enable the Push Notifications capability. To add a new capability, open your app in Xcode, select the App project and the App target, click Signing & Capabilities in the tab bar, and then click the + Capability button (it may look disabled). Select Push Notifications by double clicking it. See this article for more information about iOS capabilities.

This will update the project.pbxproj file in the ios/App/App.xcodeproj folder. You will need to commit this file to your repository.

Add the following to the AppDelegate.swift file in the ios/App/App folder:

  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) { .capacitorDidRegisterForRemoteNotifications, object: deviceToken)

  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) { .capacitorDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotifications, object: error)

setup a notification in Firebase

Go to the Messaging tab in Firebase and create a New Campaign.

follow the steps

Test the notification

To send test message, go to step 1 (Notification) and click on the button on the right.

You need to add a FCM registration token. This token is populated in the input filed that we added in the code above. Copy the token and paste it in the notification input field, then press the PLUS icon on the right to add it.

Then, click on the Test button. Your device should get the nortification, it can take a few seconds sometimes.