
election results consumer designed for AWS CloudWatch Events

Primary LanguageJavaScript

votes in the machine

A configurable daemon for polling the AP's election results API. Results are cached to S3 for client retrieval. This is designed to execute as a Lambda function in response to CloudWatch Events configured using a JSON constant with parameters outlined below.


node 8.10

  • IAM role: votes-in-the-machine-role
  • Policy: votes-in-the-machine-policy
    • S3:PutObject
    • S3:PutObjectACL
    • S3:GetObject
    • S3:ListBucket
  • lambda: votes-in-the-machine-<env>
  • bucket: votes-in-the-machine-<env>

daemon params

These parameters are passed into the lambda function as the first parameter. These mostly map one-to-one with the parameters outlined in the AP's docs. More information and additional parameters can be found at that link.

name type description
race String internal identifier used for S3 path prefix to store results
date String YYYY-MM-DD election date, required for AP API
pollsCloseAt String YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm Controls pollsClosed field in results
statePostal String Two-letter state code
test Boolean retrieve results test mode
national Boolean Filters races based on whether they are national or not
party String Party abbreviation. Multiple values must be separated by commas
uncontested Boolean Filters races based on whether they are contested or not
level String Determines granularity of the returned races
includeRaces Array[Number] Races to include (optional)
excludeRaces Array[Number] Races to exclude (optional)


This app was bootstrapped with node-lambda and can execute a test event with the run command. It will pass in the contents of event.json as the first parameter.

$ npm i
$ npx node-lambda run


Tests are located in test/ and run with $ npm test. This app uses mocha as a test framework. There are fixtures that are loaded from test/fixtures to mimic responses from the AP and post-processed data for assertions.


CircleCI will deploy the master branch to demo infrastructure and tagged releases to production. node-lambda handles zipping and shipping the code to the lambda function. There are a few envvars required for running, defined in the confusing deploy.env.

name description
AP_API_KEY Secret token issued by the AP to access api results
AP_RESULTS_HOST Protocol and hostname of the AP's endpoint
AP_RESULTS_PATH Path name for the elections endpoint (separate from host to help with testing)
RESULT_BUCKET Destination bucket in which to save results

Local deployments are also possible with the correct envvars set, defined in .env:



This repo includes some command line tools to administer election monitors set up via this service.

$ npm run cli
Usage: cli [options] [command]


  -V, --version  output the version number
  -h, --help     output usage information


  list           list name and status of election monitors
  view           get a detailed look at an election monitor
  edit           update an election monitor config
  create         create a new election monitor
  delete         delete an existing election monitor
  help [cmd]     display help for [cmd]

To filter by either the demo or prod environments, set the -e or --environment flag after a pair of dashes like so:

$ npm run list -- -e prod