OpenLegislation is a web service that delivers legislative information from the New York State Senate and Assembly to the public in near-real time. It is used internally to serve up legislative data for nysenate.gov and the Bluebird-CRM.
- 2
Section Symbol Appearing as Superscript '3'
#130 opened by jurisware-devel - 1
Filling the data gaps in the Directory data
#60 opened by vernnyc - 4
- 1
Timing for available data
#126 opened by kenanokeefe - 1
Add demo key information to docs
#129 opened by avalatea - 1
Senate member contact info
#128 opened by elliott-king - 1
- 1
Add new NY pages to sitemap
#125 opened by dogweather - 2
Access to hearing video URLs?
#123 opened by showerst - 1
Missing Assembly Vote Information
#122 opened by jehiah - 1
legislation.nysenate.gov 404
#118 opened by jehiah - 1
VAT 1809 truncated
#121 opened by jurisware-devel - 0
- 1
- 3
Timing for 2023 session data
#114 opened by kenanokeefe - 1
Member party affiliation
#104 opened by joshtemple - 0
Unable to reopen Issue #90
#91 opened by fowles - 4
Mechanism for identifying active members
#90 opened by fowles - 0
#72 opened by SuperSonicHub1 - 1
Titles missing in VAT dataset
#63 opened by louiskabo - 2
Timing for 2021 session data
#62 opened by kenanokeefe - 1
What's in a name? Some Member page URIs don't match fullName fields returned by API
#53 opened by jpelton-stroud - 4
Formatting issues with PDF bill texts
#21 opened by gisrael - 3
sessionMemberId 1312 cited but not found
#45 opened by jpelton-stroud - 2
Question re: Data Quality
#30 opened by protasm - 2
search?term=publishedDateTime:[2014-01-01%20TO%202014-01-02] throws HTTP 400
#47 opened by jpelton-stroud - 1
Article/Titles in small case is not parsed
#14 opened by aaru - 2
It's not a issue but a question
#22 opened by Fenhanwang - 2
Timing for available data
#51 opened by kenanokeefe - 2
NY Laws API docs "Get a law sub document" shows different response type than what is actually returned
#49 opened by jpelton-stroud - 2
"responseType" : "search-results list" vs "responseType" : "bill-info list"
#48 opened by jpelton-stroud - 2
Charles / Inez barron data mixup
#28 opened by pelzhaus - 1
Question: BaseURL for member.imgName?
#44 opened by jpelton-stroud - 2
Delay between API and Assembly Website
#37 opened by phaskins - 4
Blank Bill: A9270-2015
#13 opened by samsullivan - 1
Simple Question: how can we create a visualization that shows % of bills that become law?
#8 opened by fedex1 - 1
Translate to spanish
#10 opened by johnfelipe - 2
Just wanna confirm whether it's your server down time or it's something specific on my side
#29 opened by Fenhanwang - 3
Scheduled downtime?
#27 opened by pelzhaus - 1
A potential IP block on production server
#23 opened by Fenhanwang - 1
Issue loading Assembly Members
#24 opened by kormic911 - 7
Offset not working when querying bills
#17 opened by gisrael - 2
- 3
Status 400 on previously working query
#19 opened by foggy1 - 0
- 7
An invalid API key issue
#18 opened by Fenhanwang - 6
API maximum number of result issue
#16 opened by Fenhanwang - 4
Some members.items.fullName are invalid.
#12 opened by samsullivan - 5
No Assembly Committees
#11 opened by samsullivan - 4
LAW API question
#9 opened by fedex1