
Dockerized version of curriculum-insular

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#self-contained curriculum

ec2-based dockerized curriculum server


Docker - all the cool kids are doing it while crying

MongoDB - like its forebear, the new curriculum implementation uses Mongo for storing chunks of language. The DB is called curriculum

  • db.keywords - language fragments, probably simple K:V or List. TTL should be 7 days or so
  • db.pages - list of URLS we have processed quite recently - TTL here should be ~1 hour. We check against this before re-fetching the page to do any NLP+chunking
  • db.users - authentication DB, very static; poplated at boot. It's a DB and not a flatfile so in the future we can perhaps dynamically add groupIDs and tokens but I'm in no rush

Beanstalk - handles the queue of URLS-to-analyze from SubmitHandler. beanstalk.sh or the command therein must be run before before startDB.py and server/server.py

/worker.py - this takes jobs form Beanstalk, checks db.pages to see if it should be resolved, and resolves it into chunks that are loaded into db.keywords. When the worker encounters a URL that chokes it, worker dies and is auto-restarted by Docker.

/server/server.py - this is the main tornado instance.

  • ApiHandler.py - services API queries; trying a single endpoint here for flexibility
    • t=4 - number of minutes into the past to look
    • n=4 - number of entries to return, drawn randomly from the result-set
    • type=ADJP - restrict results to a chunktype. Types available are: {NP, PP, VP, ADJP, ADVP, ANY}
  • BaseHandler.py - just a superclass contining the isAuth() function
  • BrowserHandler.py - services web queries, currently only ZEN mode (this would be the prototype for other views - add new views to curriculum-insular/server/templates)
  • SubmitHandler.py - accepts URLs from Chrome extension.

/chrome - this holds the Chrome extension that submits HTTP URLs to the server. The extension will prompt you for a groupID and token upon first install.

/firefox - this holds the Firefox extension that submits HTTP URLs to the server. Note, you must enter your groupID and token to /data/submitter.js manually before installing.



Get docker sudo apt-get install docker ...just kidding! You must follow the absurd wget instructions here

Note this part to avoid perpetually having to sudo !!

If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

Git pull this repo

MANUALLY add the 'groups.py' file necessary for authentication to work

Generate images from dockerfiles:

  • mongo image is the default, we don't need to generate it here
  • beanstalk: go to /beanstalk, type docker build -t akabeanstalk .
  • worker: go to /worker, type docker build -t akaworker .
  • server: go to /server, type docker build -t akaserver .

Run each image in this order:

  • docker run --name akamongo -d -p 27017:27017 -v /var/lib/mongodb/:/data/db --restart=always mongo --smallfiles
  • docker run --name akabeanstalk -d -p 14711:14711 --restart=always akabeanstalk
  • docker run --name akaworker -d --link akamongo:akamongo --link akabeanstalk:akabeanstalk --restart=always akaworker
  • docker run --name akaserver -d --link akamongo:akamongo --link akabeanstalk:akabeanstalk -p 80:80 --restart=always akaserver
  • You must be thirsty 🍺

Restarting and adding new groups:

This currently sucks. If the server crashes, you must manually wipe the DB before restarting.

docker stop akaserver akaworker akabeanstalk akamongo
docker rm akaserver akaworker akabeanstalk akamongo
docker rmi mongo akaserver
sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb/
cd /curriculum-docker/server
(edit groups.py to add new groups and tokens)
docker build -t akaserver .

...then execute the four "run" steps in the section above