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This is the working repository of the customer team for NYU DevOps Fall 2017.


From a terminal navigate to a location where you want this application code to be downloaded to and issue:

    $ git clone
    $ cd customers
    $ vagrant up
    $ vagrant ssh
    $ cd /vagrant

This will place you into an Ubuntu VM all set to run the code.


1.Return all of the customers with no input

GET /customers

2.Retrieve a single customer with input "customer_id"

GET /customers/<customer_id>

3.Add a new Customer with no input

POST /customers

4.Update an exsiting customers with input "customer_id"

PUT /customers/<customer_id>

5.Upgrade the Credit Level of a customer with input "customer_id"

PUT /customers/<customer_id>/upgrade-credit

6.Downgrade the Credit Level of a customer with input "customer_id"

PUT /customers/<customer_id>/degrade-credit

7.Delete A customer with input "customer_id"

DELETE /customers/<customer_id>

Running the code

You can run the code to test it out in your browser with the following command:

$ python

You should be able to see it at: http://localhost:5000/

When you are done, you can use Ctrl+C to stop the server and then exit and shut down the vm with:

$ exit
$ vagrant halt

If the VM is no longer needed you can remove it with:

$ vagrant destroy


Test coverage

You can run the tests using nosetests

$ nosetests
$ coverage report -m

You can even run nosetests with coverage

$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=server

Behavior Tests

You can run the code to test it out in your browser with the following command:

$ python &

You should be able to see it at: http://localhost:5000/

Run the tests using behave to see if all scenarios pass

$ behave


You can then run the server with:

$ python

Finally you can see the microservice Swagger docs at: http://localhost:5000/doc

What's featured in the project?

app/ - the main Service using Python Flask-RESTPlus for Swagger

app/ -- hold model definitions of resource

tests/ -- test cases using unittest for the microservice

tests/ -- test cases using unittest for customer model