Rocket: Stripe Global Payments Demo

Rocket - is a demo of accepting B2C flow with Stripe for food delivery companies. These companies are often not technology companies and Rocket helps these platforms to help streamline the accepting payments, orders creating and making payouts for food deliverers.


Rocket dashboard

Rocket has the following features, Stripe s, and Stripe integrations:


Running locally

If you want to run this demo locally against a different Stripe account, follow the instructions below:


  • You'll need a Stripe account. Sign up for free before running the application.
  • Node.js >= 14.7.0

Getting Started

Clone the repo and install dependencies using npm (or yarn):

$ git clone ...
$ cd Rocket
$ npm install

If this is your first time running the app, you'll need to setup Stripe Connect and branding on your Stripe account:

  1. Make sure Stripe Connect is enabled in the dashboard
  2. Set up Express Accounts and make sure Transfers and Payments are enabled in express setup
  3. Set up Rocket Brading in settings:
    • Use Rocket as the business name
    • Upload Rocket logo to the Icon
    • Set #F3F4F6 to the Brand colour
    • Set #2BA166 to the Accent colour

Copy the example .env file. You'll need to define the following env variables:

  • A random string to keep user authentication secure to SESSION_SECRET_KEY
$ cp .env.example .env

Run the app:

$ npm run dev

Go to http://localhost:4567 in your browser to start using Rocket.