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Why this project ?
Just for create and deploy quickly my project and experience on NodeJS & Nginx environment thanks to Dockerfile
After we have clone the repository, you should go to the folder. If you want change configuration of your server or your VPS, you can into the file default
before construct your image.
After that, you will execute the commands below:
# Launch command for install all the packages
$ docker build -t <NAME_IMAGE> <PATH_DOCKERFILE>
# Example
$ docker build -t env/node .
Some parameters
Parameter | Character | Description |
NAME_IMAGE | Mandatory | The name of your futur image |
PATH_DOCKERFILE | Mandatory | The path who contains the Dockerfile |
Well, your picture is ready. Now we can get down to business and launch our container
Basically, it's very easy to launch container with Docker, only some lines and your environment is mounted. The evidence:
# Launch basis container
$ docker container run -p 80:80 -it <NAME_IMAGE> /bin/bash
# Or if you are on Windows, you should go to the folder
# that you want share between the container and the host
$ docker container run -p 80:80 -it -v "/$(pwd)":/var/www/html <NAME_IMAGE>
# TIPS: You can give a name to your container
$ docker container run -p 80:80 --name=enjoy -it <NAME_IMAGE>
WARNING: the folder /var/www/html
should be conserve. Only your local folder can be modify.
But I want the picture with the example...
Ok, let's go, launch the container for NodeJS Environment
# NodeJS Environment
# Mount your work folder with argument -v
$ docker container run -p 80:80 -it -v /path/of/host:/var/www/html <NAME_IMAGE>
Now, same pain, launch the container for Nginx Environment
# Nginx Environment
# Mount your work folder with argument -v and open the port of your MySql
$ docker container run -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 -it -v /path/of/host:/var/www/html <NAME_IMAGE>
If you want to use XDebug in VSCode, you should add your IP Local in the xdebug.ini
Go in your terminal and dial ipconfig
# /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/xdebug.ini
Follow this steps for the installation
- Download PHP Debug package for VS
- Launch your debuger
in VS - It's easy, copy the content of
file in your configuration file - In your browser, add
in the end of your URL
├── node
│ ├── www
│ └── ...
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── default
├── nginx
│ ├── www
│ └── ...
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── default
└── README.md
Coming soon, MongoDB, i hope !
- Nginx
- PM2
- NodeJS v.9.3.0
- NPM v.5.5.1
- Nginx
- MySql v.5.5
- PHP v.7.0
This argument detach your container
# Launch container with -d
$ docker container run -dit --name=hello nodejs
If you want rattach your container and enter commands, follow this command
# Attach the terminal on the container who call hello
$ docker container attach hello
Again in the Matrix and you want to re-detach ?
Tips: Ctrl
If you want install Docker on the Windows Family, you can install the Toolbox for Docker. You can install it on the official website here
If you have a problem with your new style generated with Webpack, your style is not reload ?
You should verify a value in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Normally, the variable is for default `on`
# You should change the value like below
sendfile off;