
Little embbed application in order to enter your email

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unicorn Shopify

This is an training... Don't panic, see, fix and have fun!
Little application embbeded into Shopify in order to enter your contact.


Getting Started

First of all, you need some stuffs on your machine


Your attention please, for managing the situation, it's important to follow the way. I recommend you to follow the guide and the steps below


After downloading Ngrok, you could bind your local address to https address for testing.

# On Mac
# Into your folder where exec Ngrok is present
$ ./ngrok http 3000 -subdomain=example

# Probably, you could see your localhost:3000 
# on https://example.ngrok.io

Shopify Dashboard

  • Go to your Shopify Partners
  • Click on Apps menu in the sidebar menu
  • Click on Create ap button in the main content
  • Select the type of your application Custom app or Public app, it depends of your goal
  • Fill the General settings
    In App URL, you have to put your Ngrok URL as https://my-app/shopify, please notice the shopify at the end of your URL.
  • Fill Allowed redirection URL(s)
    Put your Ngrok URL which serve the auth route https://my-app/shopify/auth/callback, notice the end of the url

Problably, you are on a screen with a card API Keys, keep that in a tab, we come back it in the next step.


Let's go, we are going to create your "database" with Airtable. Firstly, create an account if it's not done yet.
We will need to create 2 tabs Configuration & Subscription. Let's see the details.

ATTENTION: You have to respect the case

Configuration Tab

Create the Configuration tab. This table is for the configuration of your widget (title, description...). You are going to work and create some columns, follow the below schema.

name Airtable type typing value Mandatory
uuid Single line text {string} example.myshopify.com true
title Single line text {string} My title false
description Single line text {string} My description false
activate Number {number} 0 / 1 false

Subscription Tab

Create the Subscription tab. This table is for the configuration of your widget (title, description...). You are going to work and create some columns, follow the below schema.

name Airtable type typing value Mandatory
uuid Single line text {string} example.myshopify.com true
email Single line text {string} email@email.com true
firstName Single line text {string} John false
lastName Number {string} Doe false

You can see your API documentation, when you take a look in the top on your screen in right, there is a little interrogation point, click and select API documentation. Over there, you can generate your API_KEY follow the documentation and keep this key for the next step.

Configuration variables

Firstly, you must create an .env file.
At this point, you have all the keys in your hand... And you will begin to have fun!
If you follow the documentation, you have your Shopify Keys in your Shopify Dashboard freshly created and your Airtable API_KEY. Let's fill all the datas.

# .env in your root of your folder
AIRTABLE_URL='${IN_THE_API_DOCUMENTATION}' # it is not mandatory

Launch the rocket

Install the server Side

$ yarn install

Install the widget

$ cd widget
$ yarn install

Build the widget for production

$ yarn prod:widget

Dashboard Shopify

It's the time, install your application on your Shopify Shop. In the configuration screen of your application, you should have a card Test your app, click on it and register you.
You should be able to see your app in your shop, in your aside bar menu in Apps > Unicorn.
Configure your widget and pass to the next Step => Install widget.

Install Widget

Get Snippet

On your Shopify Shop in the Configuration of the Unicorn Application, you should have an snippet that you copy-past in your theme in order to see to appear your widget. That should looks like:

<div id="unicorn-widget"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${URL_APP}/unicorn-widget.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Here 'unicorn-widget' value is optional, indeed, 
    // the default ID is unicorn-widget

The parameter ${URL_APP} will be your Ngrok Address

You could put your widget where you want! If you want change the id, you must to report at UnicornWidget function!

Insert in your theme

Modify your theme

Like we said just above, you have to inject this snippet in your theme? How do you wonna say me? Follow this path... In your Admin Shop (a little bit recall that looks like at my-boutique.myshopify.com) in your aside bar Online Store > Themes. You must have a Customize Button in your interface.

Inject the widget

For everyone, you are going to have the power to Add section.

  • In your sidebar, choose Add Section
  • In this new Section, you could change the Heading and Add content
  • Click on Add content and choose Custom HTML
  • Copy-Past your widget, see this section for more information

For developers, you have the power to change everything!

  • If you use the templating engine of Shopify liquid, you can insert it the snippet in your code where do you want!
  • If you use a Front-End Framework, you can just insert in your head the script tag and initialize the widget!