
A very simple JS slider.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm license

Unsliderjs is an ultra-simple JS slider for your website.


  • Vanilla JS
  • Lightweight
  • Responsive
  • Adjusts for height
  • Swipe support
  • Keyboard support
  • RTL support


You can install the plugin via npm.

$ npm install unsliderjs --save


// You can pass either HTML element or CSS selector for the first parameter
Unslider.create(element[, options]);

Include files

// Import SCSS file
@use "unsliderjs";
// Import JS file
import Unslider from "unsliderjs";

Set up HTML

<div class="my-slider">
    <li>My slide</li>
    <li>Another slide</li>
    <li>My last slide</li>

Call the plugin

var unslider = Unslider.create(".my-slider");


  • infinite false

    Whether to enable infinite loop

  • autoplay false

    Should the slider move by itself or only be triggered manually?

  • speed 750

    How fast (in milliseconds) Unslider should animate between slides.

  • delay 3000

    If autoplay is set to true, how many milliseconds should pass between moving the slides?

  • index 'first'

    If this is set to an integer, 'first' or 'last', it'll set the default slide to that position rather than the first slide.

  • keys true

    Do you want to add keyboard shortcut support to Unslider? This can be set to either true, false, or an options/keycode object, like so:

    keys: {
      prev: 37,
      next: 39,
      stop: 27 // Example: pause when the Esc key is hit
  • nav true

    Do you want to generate an automatic clickable navigation for each slide in your slider?

    You can over-ride what appears in each link by adding a data-nav="nav title" parameter to each slide element (replacing 'nav title' with whatever you'd like the title to be).

    If you want to add dot-navigation to a slide, simply include unslider-dots.css to your CSS file.

    nav: function(index, label) {
      //  $(this) is the current index slide
      //  label is the current label
      //  index is the slide index, starting at 0
      //  On the third slide, append " third slide!"
      if(index === 2) {
        return 'abc' + label + ' third slide!';
      //  Only show the number
      return index + 1;
  • arrows true

    Do you want to add left/right arrows to your slider? You can style these in your CSS by writing rules for .unslider-arrow (or alternatively you can change the HTML string to whatever you like and style that).

    This can be set to either true, false, or an options object. If you set an options object, the default behaviour will be overwritten. The default object looks like this:

    arrows: {
      // Unslider default behaviour
      prev: '<a class="unslider-arrow prev">Previous slide</a>',
      next: '<a class="unslider-arrow next">Next slide</a>',
      // Example: generate buttons to start/stop the slider autoplaying
      stop: '<a class="unslider-pause">Pause</a>',
      start: '<a class="unslider-play">Play</a>'

    This option is a bit of a misnomer, as you can set it to generate anything, not just arrows.

  • animation 'horizontal'

    How should Unslider animate each slide? Right now, there's three different animation types:

    • 'horizontal': which moves the slides from left-to-right
    • 'vertical': which moves the slides from top-to-bottom
    • 'fade': which crossfades slides
  • selectors

    If you're not using an unordered list to display your slider, you'll need to add a selectors object referencing what elements Unslider should look for. The container should be the "conveyor belt" that gets moved, and the slides are - well - the slides.

    selectors: {
      container: 'ul',
      slides: 'li'

    Note: you'll probably also need to update/write custom CSS in order for Unslider to work. Check the source files for unslider.scss to get a better idea of what needs styling.

  • animateHeight false

    Should Unslider animate the height of the container to match the current slide's height? If so, set to true.

  • activeClass 'unslider-active'

    What class should Unslider set to the active slides and navigation items? Use this if you want to match your CSS.

  • swipe true

    Have swipe support? You can set this here with a boolean and always use initSwipe/destroySwipe later on.

  • swipeThreshold 0.2

    Ratio to trigger swipe to next/previous slide during long swipes.

  • grabCursor true

    Whether set "grab" cursor when hover on the slider.


// Assuming we've got a variable set like this...
var slider = Unslider.create(".my-demo-slider");

slider.methodName("arguments", "go", "here");
  • init(options)

    Set everything up with the slider. This is called automatically when you set up Unslider() for the first time, but if there's layout problems or you want to re-initiate the slider for some reason, you can call it here.

  • calculateSlides()

    If a slide gets added or removed, you should call this otherwise things'll probably break.

    var slider = Unslider.create(".my-slider");
    // I don't like this last slide, let's get rid of it
    // Let's recalculate Unslider so it knows what's going on
  • start()

    Make the slider move itself between slides. Will use the options object to determine the delay between slides.

  • stop()

    Stop the slider moving itself between slides. Will stop any auto-playing.

  • destroy()

    Remove the slider and revert the original DOM.

  • initKeys()

    Manually add keyboard shortcut support. Can be used after destroyKeys to restore keyboard shortcut support, or with {keys: false} in the options object to add support later on.

  • destroyKeys()

    Remove any keyboard shortcut handlers for the slider.

  • initSwipe()

    Set up swipe functionality manually.

  • destroySwipe()

    Remove swipe support. Does what it says on the tin.

  • setIndex(to)

    Set the current index and navigation for Unslider. This doesn't move the slider! You can get some goofy results doing this - if you want to move the slider to a specific slide, I'd recommend you use animate() instead.

    The argument to can be an integer with the index of the slide you want to set (remember: indexes start at zero!), or the strings 'first' or 'last' if you don't know how many slides there are.

  • animte(to, dir)

    Move the slider to a specific slide, update any navigation and fire a unslider:change event. Use like so:

    // Our trusty slider!
    var slider = Unslider.create(".slider");
    // Move to the first slide
    // Move to the third slide
    // Remember, slides are zero-indexed so 0 is first slide, 1 is second, etc.
    // Move to the last slide
    // Move to the last slide and add a direction
    slider.animate("last", "prev");
  • next()

    Manually move to the next slide (or the first slide if you reach the last slide).

  • prev()

    Same thing as .next() but in the other direction. Moves the slider backwards manually or to the last slide if there's no more behind it.


// Set up our slider to automatically move every second so we can see what's happening
var slider = Unslider.create(".slider", { autoplay: true, delay: 1000 });

// Listen to slide changes
slider.$context.on("unslider:change", function (event, index, slide) {
  alert("Slide has been changed to " + index);

// Listen to slide moved
slider.$context.on("unslider:moved", function (event, index, slide) {
  alert("Slide has been moved to " + index);


MIT License