Anonymous Message API

An anonymous messaging backend service written in Rust


  • Rust Programming Language
  • SQLx
  • Postgres
  • Axum
  • Tokio
  • Tower
  • Serde
  • Thiserror

Create/drop the database at DATABASE_URL

sqlx database create
sqlx database drop


If you would like to create reversible migrations with corresponding "up" and "down" scripts, you use the -r flag when creating the first migration:

$ sqlx migrate add -r <name>
Creating migrations/20211001154420_<name>.up.sql
Creating migrations/20211001154420_<name>.down.sql

After that, you can edit the migration files and run:

$ sqlx migrate run
Applied migrations/20211001154420 <name> (32.517835ms)

And reverts work as well:

$ sqlx migrate revert
Applied 20211001154420/revert <name>

Note: All the subsequent migrations will be reversible as well.

Run in dev mode

cargo watch -x run

Add a package

cargo add <package_name>

Remove a package

cargo rm <package_name>