
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

New Zealand place names interactive


This is a small app that makes some of the work done for https://github.com/TeHikuMedia/nga-kupu interative.

Data processing

The data directory contains an sql script used to format the output of the nga-kupu projet. It isn't necesssary to run this script as the output has been checked in.


The interactive is a React app that uses Uber's deck.gl and react-map-gl.

It is bootstrapped using create-react-app

To run the app all you should need to do is:

cd interactive

Add your mapbox access token to a .env.local file


The run:

yarn start

The deploy, embed, and full-deploy commands also expect AWS_REGION, AWS_S3_PATH, and PUBLIC_URL to be defined in the .env file. These are currently set to the NZH Insights locations - you should change or remove these. These commands also assume you have the aws cli tools installed and that the default credentials are what you want. (And it has not been tested on windows)