
"Batteries Included" Telegram Bot API wrapper for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status License

"Batteries Included" Telegram Bot API wrapper for Scala


  • Fully asynchronous
  • spray.io powered.
  • Declarative DSL for simple bot features
  • Strongly-typed

Supported Methods

  • getMe
  • sendMessage
  • getUpdates
  • forwardMessage
  • sendPhoto
  • sendAudio
  • sendVoice (coming soon)
  • sendDocument
  • sendSticker
  • sendVideo (coming soon)
  • sendLocation
  • sendChatAction
  • getUserProfilePhotos
  • getUpdates
  • Custom keyboard markups
  • Webhook with a SSL reverse proxy


  • Built-in Webhook support
  • Better error handling
  • Documentation


Check reference.conf for configuration.


There is no release yet; project still lack too much improvement. Wait for updates.


Simple commands + simple answers

object GreeterBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  on("/start") { implicit message: Message =>

Using received message

object GreeterBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  on("/start") { implicit message: Message =>
    message.from match {
      case Some(user) => reply("Welcome, " + user.firstName)
      case _ =>

Sending photos

object GreeterBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  on("/start") { implicit message: Message =>

When You Need More Power

object GreeterBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  when { message =>
    message.photo match {
      case Some(photo) => true
      case None => false
  } perform { implicit message =>
    reply("Nice Smile!")

"Cuckoo Clock?" Why Not?

object GreeterBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  every(1 hours) {
    sendTo("Ping!", 31415926535)

Sending Messages Not Always Successful

object TestBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Declarative {
  sendTo("test", 1093654812) map {
    case Right(message) =>
    case Left(error) if error.code == 403 =>
      println("No, we are not allowed to send messages to this chat");
    case Left(error) if error.code == 400 =>
      println("No, chat doesn't exists");

Keep user informed!

on("Welcome") { implicit message =>
  typing; reply("typed.")