Wellington Bus Stuff

This is a collection of tools for logging the Wellington Bus Real Time (RTI) information. This is collecting data from the Metlink API.

Collecting Information for a Bus Stop's departures

stop_departures.py is a script that will collect all info for a bus stop and log it to a DB

$ ./stop_departures.py --help
usage: stop_departures.py [-h] [-s STOPID] [-i INTERVAL] [-d DB] [--url URL]
                          [-r REPEATS] [--dbtype {sqlite,mariadb}]
                          [--dbconfig DBCONFIGFILE]

This tool will collect all the Real Time Information (RTI) for a particular
bus stop in Wellington NZ, from the Metlink API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s STOPID             The stop number for the stop you would like to capture
                        the data for. Default: 5500
  -i INTERVAL           How often in seconds to requery the API. Default: 60
  -d DB                 The sqlite database to data in. Assumes it already has
                        all the schema in place. Only applicable if dbtype is
                        sqlite. Default: stop_departures.db
  --url URL             The base URL for the data. Default:
  -r REPEATS            How many time to repeat before exiting. 0 means repeat
                        forever. Default: 0
  --dbtype {sqlite,mariadb}
                        The type of database to use. Default: sqlite.
                        Available options: sqlite, mariadb
  --dbconfig DBCONFIGFILE
                        The configuration files that holds the database
                        connection details. Default: db.cfg

SQL for a Bus stop

This are some SQL statements to get stats out of the data

Most recent record for each service

  FROM stop_departures_details sd1
  WHERE timestamp =
    (SELECT MAX(timestamp)
        FROM stop_departures_details sd2
        WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture
            AND sd1.serviceid = sd2.serviceid
	        AND sd1.sms = sd2.sms)
    AND sms = 5010
  GROUP BY departurestatus;

Remove all by the most recent record

How many on time at a stop overall

SELECT departurestatus, COUNT(*)
  FROM stop_departures_details sd1
  WHERE timestamp =
    (SELECT MAX(timestamp)
        FROM stop_departures_details sd2
        WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture
            AND sd1.serviceid = sd2.serviceid
	        AND sd1.sms = sd2.sms)
    AND sms = 5010
    AND departurestatus IS NOT NULL
  GROUP BY departurestatus;
departurestatus COUNT(*)
null 17
delayed 1
onTime 5

How many on time at a stop for each route

SELECT serviceid, departurestatus, COUNT(*)
  FROM stop_departures_details sd1
  WHERE timestamp =
    (SELECT MAX(timestamp)
        FROM stop_departures_details sd2
        WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture
            AND sd1.serviceid = sd2.serviceid
	        AND sd1.sms = sd2.sms)
    AND sms = 5010
    AND departurestatus IS NOT NULL
  GROUP BY serviceid, departurestatus
  ORDER BY serviceid, departurestatus;

How late are they?


SELECT serviceid, aimeddeparture, expecteddeparture, (CAST(strftime('%s', expecteddeparture) as integer) - CAST(strftime('%s', aimeddeparture) as integer)) AS delay
	FROM stop_departures_details sd1
	WHERE timestamp = (SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM stop_departures_details sd2 WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture)
		AND expecteddeparture IS NOT NULL
    AND sms = 5010
	ORDER BY serviceid, aimeddeparture;


SELECT serviceid, aimeddeparture, expecteddeparture, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, aimeddeparture, expecteddeparture) AS delay
	FROM stop_departures_details sd1
	WHERE timestamp =
	    (SELECT MAX(timestamp)
	        FROM stop_departures_details sd2
	        WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture
	            AND sd1.serviceid = sd2.serviceid
	            AND sd1.sms = sd2.sms)
    AND sms = 5010
	ORDER BY serviceid, aimeddeparture;

What is the delay over time for one service while standing a bus stop


SELECT lastmodified, aimeddeparture, expecteddeparture, (CAST(strftime('%s', expecteddeparture) as integer) - CAST(strftime('%s', aimeddeparture) as integer)) AS delay
    FROM stop_details
    WHERE aimeddeparture = "2018-08-10T08:27:00+12:00"
        AND serviceid = 3
        AND sms = 5010
    GROUP BY lastmodified
    ORDER BY lastmodified ASC

Average Delay at each stop on a route


SELECT sd1.serviceid, sd1.sms, sd1.direction, AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sd1.aimeddeparture, sd1.expecteddeparture)) as avgdelay
  FROM stop_departures_details sd1
  WHERE timestamp =
    (SELECT MAX(timestamp)
      FROM stop_departures_details sd2
      WHERE sd1.aimeddeparture = sd2.aimeddeparture
        AND sd1.serviceid = sd2.serviceid
        AND sd1.sms = sd2.sms
        AND sd1.isrealtime)
    AND sd1.serviceid = 2
    AND sd1.direction = 'OUTBOUND'
    AND sd1.aimeddeparture > '2018-08-10'
    AND sd1.aimeddeparture < '2018-08-12'
    GROUP BY sd1.serviceid, sd1.sms, sd1.direction;

Collecting Service Location Information

service_location.py is a script that will collect all info for a bus service and log it to a DB

$ ./service_location.py --help
usage: service_location.py [-h] [-s SERVICEID] [-i INTERVAL] [-d DB]
                           [--url URL] [-r REPEATS]
                           [--dbtype {sqlite,mariadb}]
                           [--dbconfig DBCONFIGFILE]

This tool will collect all the Real Time Information (RTI) for a particular
bus service in Wellington NZ, from the Metlink API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERVICEID          The service id for the bus service you would like to
                        capture the data for. Default: 1
  -i INTERVAL           How often in seconds to requery the API. Default: 60
  -d DB                 The sqlite database to data in. Assumes it already has
                        all the schema in place. Only applicable if dbtype is
                        sqlite. Default: service_location.db
  --url URL             The base URL for the data. Default:
  -r REPEATS            How many time to repeat before exiting. 0 means repeat
                        forever. Default: 0
  --dbtype {sqlite,mariadb}
                        The type of database to use. Default: sqlite.
                        Available options: sqlite, mariadb
  --dbconfig DBCONFIGFILE
                        The configuration files that holds the database
                        connection details. Default: db.cfg

The SQL query I am interested with this how far away from a bus when it drops off the list. I am seeing buses dropping off before they get to the stop so I want to quantify this.


To use sqlite you will need to copy the blanks into a working location, before running the scripts.

  1. cp stop_departures_blank.db stop_departures.db
  2. cp service_location_blank.db service_location_blank.db


Initial Setup

  1. sudo apt install mariadb-server python3-mysql.connector
  2. sudo mariadb
  3. create database bus;
  4. use bus;
  5. source schemas/stop_departures.mariadb.sql;
  6. source schemas/service_location.mariadb.sql;
  7. CREATE USER 'bus_input'@'localhost';
  8. GRANT INSERT ON bus.* TO 'bus_input'@'localhost';
  9. SET PASSWORD FOR 'bus_input'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('changeme');


Intital Setup

  1. sudo apt install python3-pandas


If you want it to do something please ask away or better still do a pull request with some code or some SQL in the Readme. Create an issue here or hit me up on Twitter @nzkarit