Simple Flashbots Bundle

Simple flashbots bundle allows you to retrive your ENS name and your funds from a stream

How to use

  1. Run yarn add hardhat

  2. Add your Infura key and private keys to .env file

  3. Change maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas based on current network

  • Put high maxPriorityFeePerGas so it gets accepted
  1. Change your stream address and the data field
  • You can get right data by calling a contract you want and copy hex data of your call.
  1. Simulate your transactions to check if they work
  • Open this lines and close this ones while testing your transactions
  1. Run node flashbotting.js


You can call any contract and add as many transactions as you want.

For that you need to change the data, to and gasLimit fields. The latter value you can get with simulate.