
think Facebook-events meets Eventbrite

Primary LanguageObjective-C


"think Facebook-events meets Eventbrite"


  • Nick Zoghb
  • Maaz Uddin


Your digital life - whether on facebook, twitter or email - is littered with events, dates and times. crew aims to collate those into one social feed and reduce the clutter


  • Ability to have different tabs: Crew, Me, Nearby
  • Ability to create a profile and add friends groups (or users can log in as guests)
    • Profile can be edited to reflect events one is interested in
  • Calendar
    • Lists all the events that I have RSVPed to

Control Flow

  • The main feed will be divided into 3 tabs, as metioned before
    • Event thumbnails will consist of the most important details; title, picture, date, time, venue and hosts... maybe description (?)
    • Events can be tapped to expand their details
  • Top corner will be able to be tapped ("+" button) to create a new event.
  • There will be a sidebar to go to the following views:
    • CALENDAR view will and an option to click on dates to see the events happening then (option to integrate with phone notification/calendar app)
    • CREW view will be a table view with friends of the user, if applicable
    • PROFILE/ME view will have various options to change profile picture, personal & contact info
    • SETTINGS view will have various ways to change privacy, location settings and event category preferences

* potential privacy issues arise

** tentative ideas: groups, guest accounts



  • EventItem.swift
  • EventItemCell.swift


  • CrewEventsView.swift
  • MyEventsView.swift
  • NearbyEventsView.swift
  • SideBarMenuView.swift


  • EventItemViewController.swift
  • EventListTableViewController.swift
  • SideBarMenuViewController.swift
  • MyProfileViewController.swift
  • MyCrewsViewController.swift
  • MyCalendarViewController.swift
  • MySettingsViewController.swift
  • NewEventViewController.swift


  • SWRevealViewController for SideBarMenu


  • Ability to create new events as either public or private and invite certain individuals
    • People invited can then choose what drinks/snacks/food they might bring or who will bring a ball to a game etc.
  • New members will be prompted to sign up, connect their facebook/email/etc. or skip process
  • After this they'll head to the main feed
  • Returning members will see the logo while the app starts up
  • After this they'll head to the main feed
  • Having "crews" and "nearby" events
  • EVENT view will include more details
    • Includes a social hub for people attending the event to discuss event/answer questions
    • There will be a button to private message the host a question
    • There will be a MapKit-integrated/core location feature to find the location
    • Option to add date/time to calendar
    • Option to see how many people are going and which friends are going
    • Option to see which friends are already there (?)*
    • Option to check in (option to auto-check in? [geolocation])*
    • Private events will have the option for users to delegate specific roles amongst attendees (e.g. bring spoons) BONUS:
  • Location-based checkin
    • People have the option to checkin at the event when their location matches the location of the event.
    • Checkin can be done anonomously if chosen to do so for privacy purposes
    • Checkin can help other friends decide to go or not and also give a count of how many people are at the event