
Example Rails 5 / CloudFront / Asset Pipeline / Fonts / CORS app

Primary LanguageRuby

CloudFront + Rails

With asset pipeline, fonts and CORS

This demonstrates how to use CloudFront with Rails 5 and static assets like fonts, which require CORS. This uses:

  • Rails asset pipeline serving a custom font
  • CloudFront configured to forward the Origin header
  • CloudFront configured to forward an _app_session cookie
  • rack-cors middleware white-listing herokuapp.com and any custom domains

This works on Heroku with the Edge addon which provisions CloudFront with the correct settings.



Create a Rails app

$ rails new edgecors --database=postgresql
$ cd edgecors
$ rails generate controller welcome

Download a font to app/assets/font

# make the directory
$ mkdir -p app/assets/fonts
$ cd app/assets/fonts

# download the font
$ curl -LO https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/master/ofl/inconsolata/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf

# double check the file type
$ file Inconsolata-Regular.ttf
Inconsolata-Regular.ttf: TrueType font data

Write CSS / SCSS

Add the font to your app/assets/stylesheets/welcome.scss file. Note the scss font-url helper.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Inconsolata';
  src: font-url('Inconsolata-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

body {
  font-family: "Inconsolata";

Verify in development server

$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rails server
$ open localhost:3000

You should see the custom font and a request to http://localhost:3000/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf


Create a Heroku app with addon

$ heroku create edgecors
$ heroku addons:create edge

Creating edge on ⬢ edgecors... $5/month
Successfully configured https://d372g5jsa84e2.cloudfront.net
Use heroku addons:docs edge to view documentation

Or Create a CloudFront Distribution

If you aren't using Edge, create a CloudFront distribution with a foo.herokuapp.com origin that forwards the Origin header and _app_session cookie.

Example CloudFront distribution config...
    "ETag": "E1H92KNENJ9W16",
    "DistributionConfig": {
        "CallerReference": "ccf82eff-405d-4004-b8fd-3feb10391dc3",
        "Aliases": {
            "Quantity": 1,
            "Items": [
        "DefaultRootObject": "",
        "Origins": {
            "Quantity": 1,
            "Items": [
                    "Id": "e4deb8ce-8b8d-4ee9-a708-0f873ffe8734",
                    "DomainName": "edgecors.herokuapp.com",
                    "OriginPath": "",
                    "CustomHeaders": {
                        "Quantity": 0
                    "CustomOriginConfig": {
                        "HTTPPort": 80,
                        "HTTPSPort": 443,
                        "OriginProtocolPolicy": "match-viewer",
                        "OriginSslProtocols": {
                            "Quantity": 3,
                            "Items": [
                        "OriginReadTimeout": 30,
                        "OriginKeepaliveTimeout": 5
        "OriginGroups": {
            "Quantity": 0,
            "Items": []
        "DefaultCacheBehavior": {
            "TargetOriginId": "e4deb8ce-8b8d-4ee9-a708-0f873ffe8734",
            "ForwardedValues": {
                "QueryString": false,
                "Cookies": {
                    "Forward": "whitelist",
                    "WhitelistedNames": {
                        "Quantity": 1,
                        "Items": [
                "Headers": {
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "Items": [
                "QueryStringCacheKeys": {
                    "Quantity": 0
            "TrustedSigners": {
                "Enabled": false,
                "Quantity": 0
            "ViewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https",
            "MinTTL": 0,
            "AllowedMethods": {
                "Quantity": 7,
                "Items": [
                "CachedMethods": {
                    "Quantity": 2,
                    "Items": [
            "SmoothStreaming": false,
            "DefaultTTL": 86400,
            "MaxTTL": 31536000,
            "Compress": true,
            "LambdaFunctionAssociations": {
                "Quantity": 0
            "FieldLevelEncryptionId": ""
        "CacheBehaviors": {
            "Quantity": 0
        "CustomErrorResponses": {
            "Quantity": 0
        "Comment": "e4deb8ce-8b8d-4ee9-a708-0f873ffe8734",
        "Logging": {
            "Enabled": false,
            "IncludeCookies": false,
            "Bucket": "",
            "Prefix": ""
        "PriceClass": "PriceClass_All",
        "Enabled": true,
        "ViewerCertificate": {
            "ACMCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:615670401552:certificate/4d4bfd1e-dcd3-4a26-b9a6-4b6f6189f7c1",
            "SSLSupportMethod": "sni-only",
            "MinimumProtocolVersion": "TLSv1",
            "Certificate": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:615670401552:certificate/4d4bfd1e-dcd3-4a26-b9a6-4b6f6189f7c1",
            "CertificateSource": "acm"
        "Restrictions": {
            "GeoRestriction": {
                "RestrictionType": "none",
                "Quantity": 0
        "WebACLId": "",
        "HttpVersion": "http2",
        "IsIPV6Enabled": true

Configure Static Asset Caching

In config/environments/production.rb, add configuration to:

  1. Serve assets from CloudFront
  2. Add a Cache-Control header to all static assets
  3. Disable forgery protection origin check
  4. Rename the session cookie to _app_session
Rails.application.configure do
  config.action_controller.asset_host = ENV["EDGE_URL"]

  config.public_file_server.headers = {
    'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=31536000'

  config.action_controller.forgery_protection_origin_check = false

  config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_app_session'

Add rack/cors middleware

Add to Gemfile:

gem 'rack-cors', require: 'rack/cors'
$ bundle install
Fetching rack-cors 1.0.2
Installing rack-cors 1.0.2

Add CORS configuration to config/application.rb:

module EdgeCors
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
      allow do
        origins %w[
        resource '/assets/*', headers: :any, methods: [:get, :post, :options]

Note that origins contains variants of herokuapp and an Edge custom domain. Also note there is no trailing slash on origins.

Optional Performance Tips

Patch ActionDispatch to serve .gzip assets

The rack assets:precompile generates a gzipped font file (.ttf.gz) but does not serve it. You can monkeypatch the ActionDispatch to serve every .gz file generated by creating a config/initializers/gzip_assets.rb with:

require 'action_dispatch/middleware/static'

ActionDispatch::FileHandler.class_eval do

    def gzip_file_path(path)
      return false if ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'].include? content_type(path)
      gzip_path = "#{path}.gz"
      if File.exist?(File.join(@root, ::Rack::Utils.unescape_path(gzip_path)))

Configure Rack to gzip HTTP responses

Enable the Rack::Deflater middleware to gzip HTTP responses in config/application.rb:

module EdgeCors
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::Deflater

Push to Heroku

$ git push heroku master

remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Ruby app detected
remote: -----> Compiling Ruby/Rails

remote: -----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
remote:        Running: rake assets:precompile
remote:        Yarn executable was not detected in the system.
remote:        Download Yarn at https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:15.330217 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:15.330994 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf.gz
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:17.778848 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/application-9622f0fe63bfad91bdeaa3a771e86262263840678fd66849b311b6cfb3f7cc85.js
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:17.779473 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/application-9622f0fe63bfad91bdeaa3a771e86262263840678fd66849b311b6cfb3f7cc85.js.gz
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:17.795843 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/application-4b7c953bb1cc320178bce681bdb96c807c8c21628f6e8306768a0ecb0172dede.css
remote:        I, [2018-12-24T23:54:17.796264 #1369]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_23f43cb401fa6841af82cb776163bc1b/public/assets/application-4b7c953bb1cc320178bce681bdb96c807c8c21628f6e8306768a0ecb0172dede.css.gz
remote:        Asset precompilation completed (3.62s)
remote:        Cleaning assets
remote:        Running: rake assets:clean

Your custom font, forms and AJAX will work from every variant of your app:


Web Page Test

Try https://www.webpagetest.org against https://edgecors.herokuapp.com and http://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net to validate good cache settings.

CORS security warning

If you look at the Heroku app without rack-cors, you will not see the custom font. You will see a request to http://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf with an error in the JavaScript Console:

Access to font at 'https://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf' from origin 'https://edgecors.herokuapp.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
edgecors.herokuapp.com/:1 GET https://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf net::ERR_FAILED

Forgery Protection Origin Error

If you use forms or AJAX without disabling forgery_protection_origin_check you will see an error in the browser:

The change you wanted was rejected.
Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.

And an error in your logs:

INFO -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] Started POST "/search" for at 2019-01-04 16:07:38 +0000
INFO -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] Processing by WelcomeController#search as HTML
INFO -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba]   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"PmI61eB8eJV6VGXAJdVGYwXMA9lv/3CwXp5Auy25RMy/EUpvs94g/K+t7rXegDHe/Exw3YFBmYsio+WIBMin0Q==", "q"=>"", "commit"=>"Search"}
WARN -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] HTTP Origin header (https://edgecors.mixable.net) didn't match request.base_url (https://edgecors.herokuapp.com)
INFO -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 1ms
FATAL -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba]
FATAL -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
FATAL -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba]
FATAL -- : [80cd656b-395f-4845-995e-aa4eb6bf16ba] vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/actionpack-5.2.2/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb:211:in `handle_unverified_request'

Forgery Protection Session Cookie Error

If you use forms or AJAX without renaming the session cookie to _app_session (or whitelisting _APPNAME_session in CloudFront) you will see an error in the browser:

The change you wanted was rejected.
Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.

And an error in your logs:

INFO -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] Started POST "/search" for at 2019-01-08 16:25:20 +0000
INFO -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] Processing by WelcomeController#search as HTML
INFO -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5]   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"W1k6T2caGzBXfr0GYQ6iDPZuJHsFvqOipu+BFH59ckjNNDd0uSSqFws6iBJZtb+fnr4rD4PhtuPebhPGm2Bcug==", "q"=>"", "commit"=>"Search"}
WARN -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.
INFO -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 3ms
FATAL -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5]
FATAL -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
FATAL -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5]
FATAL -- : [ecb5c097-bd25-4b68-95c2-6633b8a364d5] config/application.rb:17:in `call'

Debug with curl

You can look at the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with curl commands:

$ curl --head -H "Origin: https://edgecors.herokuapp.com" http://localhost:3000/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://edgecors.herokuapp.com
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS

$ curl --head -H "Origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net" http://localhost:3000/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS

$ curl --head -H "Origin: https://example.com" http://localhost:3000/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
# No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

CloudFront Invalidations

CloudFront will cache responses bodies and headers based on the request URL and Origin header value. If CloudFront is returning the wrong response headers, create a CloudFront invalidation.

# First request is a miss
$ curl --head -H "Origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net" https://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
access-control-allow-origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
x-cache: Miss from cloudfront

# Subsequent are a hit
curl --head -H "Origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net" https://d1unsc88mkka3m.cloudfront.net/assets/Inconsolata-Regular-2a53b53d55363c4913a8873d0e1636d6c09d8a3c38570fb166fc71a5123ec8dc.ttf
access-control-allow-origin: https://edgecors.mixable.net
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
$ aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $EDGE_DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths "/*"

    "Location": "https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2018-11-05/distribution/E12ARG2SEBSZTX/invalidation/IO7XBZWG18P8E",
    "Invalidation": {
        "Id": "IO7XBZWG18P8E",
        "Status": "InProgress",
        "CreateTime": "2018-12-26T21:31:51.178Z",
        "InvalidationBatch": {
            "Paths": {
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Items": [
            "CallerReference": "cli-1545859910-572589"