DieKit, a Swift package designed to streamline and enhance error handling in your Swift applications. It makes exception handling more robust and insightful.
- Enhanced Error Reporting: It catches, prints, and rethrows errors for comprehensive debugging.
- Wide Error Support: DieKit extends support to various Swift and Core Foundation error types, providing a versatile tool for a broad range of applications.
- Works everythere, including Vapor 💧
Add DieKit to your Swift project by including it in your Package.swift dependencies:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/nzrsky/DieKit.git", from: "0.1.12")
Print ANSI color (if supported) errors to stderr:
print(error: "message")
// or
print(error: CustomError())
Fatal error with proper message as a fallback:
import DieKit
// Not really informative sometimes
let x = env["SECRET_KEY"]!
// main.swift:28: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
// ❌ This code doesn't compile
let x = env["SECRET_KEY"] ?? fatalError()
// 🙈 Compiles but looks ugly
let x = env["SECRET_KEY"] ?? { fatalError("<Your message>") }()
// ✅ Almost perfect. You also can print stacktrace using `, trace: true`
let x = env["SECRET_KEY"] ?? die("Specify SECRET_KEY")
// Specify SECRET_KEY in env
// main.swift:28: Fatal error
Print error to stderr and proceed handling:
// Usage of printOnException
do {
let result = try printOnException { try throwingOperation() }
// prints error message to stderr according error's type
} catch error {
// handle error
// Usage of dieOnException
let result = dieOnException { try throwingOperation() }
// prints error message to stderr and die
Posix errors:
throw NSError(posixError: EFAULT)
// or
let error = NSError.posixLatest /* error from errno with proper description */
Print formatted errors:
// Default behaviour
// The operation couldn’t be completed. (__C.CGError 1003)
// With DieKit
// error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (CGError: Illegal Argument)
Follow and contact me on Twitter. If you find an issue, just open a ticket on it. Pull requests are warmly welcome as well.
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Contributions make the open-source community an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make to DieKit are greatly appreciated.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.