
Static copy of nzz.ch for use in local development

Primary LanguageCSS

Static version of nzz.ch to enable you to locally simulate an end result when developing visualisations/tools.


The expectation is that your build system creates a dynamic index.html from a given template string while developing.

  • Install package

npm i -D nzzdev/nzz.ch-static

  • Import functions from package.
import {
    createParagraph  } from 'nzz.ch-static';
  • Call getHtml and pass it to the templating function of your build system.
return getHtml({
    // These first 3 options are the most important. Without them the static website will not function.

    // standard | longform-standard | longform-visual
    layout: 'standard',

    // Will be appended at the end of <head>.
    // File extension not needed.
    builtCssFilename: 'bundle',

    // Will appended to the end of <body>.
    // File extension not needed.
    builtJsFilename: 'bundle',

    // Create mock elements to simulate your article.
    content: `
        ${createSubtitle('Test Subtitle')}
        ${createParagraph('Test paragraph')}

    // Other options.
    author: 'Max Musterman',
    lead: 'Test lead.',
    title: 'Test title',

    // Links to other css files that need to be loaded.
    // Will be appended to <head> but before the bundled css file of your app.
    customCssLinks: [

    // Links to other js filed that need to be loaded.
    // Will be appended at the end of the body, but before the built js file for the app.
    customJsLinks: [


first npm install

start commands

Regular layout

npm start

Longform standard

npm run start-ls

Longform Visual

npm run start-lv