RNBO Preset Backup


Working on larger projects with RNBO and the Raspberry Pi I frequently encountered the situation that I already had created various presets on the Pi and then needed to update the patcher for minor fixes or improvements. In other moments I accedentially have overwritten a preset.

In those cases the presets created directly on the Raspberry Pi were lost.

RNBO Preset Backup is a python programm for these situation:

A tool for managing presets on a Raspberry Pi Running a Cycling'74 RNBO Patcher It allows to backup prestes from the loaded patcher to a JSON file and restore them later.

System requirements

  • A Raspberry Pi running RNBO 1.2.1 or later
  • Python 3.9 or later


  • ssh into your Raspberry Pi running RNBO
  • change to your Documents folder with the command:
    cd ~/Documents
  • clone this repository using https:
    git clone https://github.com/janmech/RNBO_PresetBackup_1.2.1.git
    or download the latest release and unpack the archive in /home/pi/Documents,
  • cd into the newly created folder RNBO_PresetBackup_1.2.1: cd RNBO_PresetBackup_1.2.1
  • run the setup script:
    python setup.py

This script will install the dependencies. (the python package python-osc) and create links to the rnbo-presets-backup.py and rnbo-presets-restore.py scrips so thay can be used like regular shell commands.


  • remove the folder RNBO_PresetBackup_1.2.1: rm -r path/to/RNBO_PresetBackup_1.2.1
  • delete the links in /usr/local/bin:
    sudo unlink /usr/local/bin/rnbo-presets-backup and
    sudo unlink /usr/local/bin/rnbo-presets-restore


Backing up prestes:

rnbo-presets-backup [OPTION] [FILE]...

Backup presets from currently loaded RNBO patch.


-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX Filename suffix. Use '-s rnd' for a random string

The backup file will be stored under: /home/pi/Documents/rnbo-presets in a file name following the pattern presets-[patcher-name][--suffix].json

If you want to have a safety copy of your backuped presets simply copy the files in /home/pi/Documents/rnbo-presets to another location.

Restoring prestes:

rnbo-presets-restore [OPTION]

Restore RNBO Presets from backup file

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

The script will guide you through the steps

How backups are restored:

The mechanism is really simple. The script sets the parameters to the stored values and saves a preset ander the stored preset name.