Blog Project

This project encompasses a small-scale blog application developed using ASP.NET Core.

Project Structure

The project is structured into the following layers:

  • API: Server-side application programming interface.
  • Application: Services and service interfaces containing application logic.
  • Domain: Core business objects and business rules.
  • Infrastructure: Infrastructure layer, handling database access and storage operations.
  • Presentation: User interface, pages, and view models.
  • DTO and VM: Common layer containing Data Transfer Objects (DTO) and View Models (VM).

Technological Details

  • Database: Microsoft SQL Server is used.
  • Authentication and Authorization: User control is managed using Identity on the backend, and restriction is imposed on the frontend using JWT tokens.
  • Dependency Injection: Dependencies are managed using Autofac.
  • DTO Mapping: Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) mapping is accomplished using the AutoMapper library.
  • Repository Pattern: Abstract repositories in the Domain layer, concrete repositories in the Infrastructure layer.