Demo / Template JUCE Project showing how to connect JUCE with Heavy C++ (HVCC) generated Source files

Primary LanguageC++


This is a JUCE Demo Project showing how to connect with Heavy C++ (shortform HVCC) generated Source files. The Demo includes a minimal synthesizer created with PureData/PlugData which was then compiled with HVCC. A connection between the Heavy parameters and JUCE is done via JUCE's AudioProcessor APVTS parameter management.

How does it work?

In ParamIds.h you have to double the Hashs/Parameters generated by the Heavy Compiler to connect them to APVTS. In the case of this demo you see the Parameters created by Heavy in the Heavy_Simple_OSC.h file. This Project uses the JUCE generic editor by default because it's very handy for quick tests. But if you cange to HeavyTutorialAudioProcessorEditor in HeavyTutorialAudioProcessor::createEditor(), then you can start with designing your own GUI right away, the neccessary faders are already there. The PureData Source File Simple-OSC.pd is included in the root folder of the Project. It works with PlugData, but won't work with Vanilla, as it uses a Reverb created with Heavy. The C files created by Heavy are in the Folder Source/HeavyFiles.

Why would I need this?

HVCC compiles Plugins for different formats already: LV2, VST2, VST3, Clap, Jack ... BUT, if you want to create your own GUI, you need to spend some extra work, like to create a unique GUI with JUCE. JUCE also gives you the possibility to create Projects for a huge variety of plattforms. You can create Apps for iOS or Android Devices for example, which is not possible with many other crossplatform audio frameworks.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-11 um 11 12 15 Screenshot of the PlugData Source Patch and the JUCE auto generated Plugin Window

Mobile Version

IMG_0804 Screenshot of an AUv3 version of the app inside AUM as host.

For the Mobile Version you will use the Xcode iOS Exporter. Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-11 um 14 23 55
To make it work on your iOS device change the Development Team ID to yours.

Possible Builds with JUCE

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-11 um 13 55 44
This project will create Builds for Standalone, VST3 and AUv3, but you can go other directions of course.

More about

  • PureData Open Source equivalent to Max/Msp, Max4Live
  • PlugData A 'modern' way of patching PureData, comes with built in HVCC Compiler already, very cool!
  • HVCC Source on Github
  • HVCC INFO, HVCC C API Documentation
  • JUCE Crossplatform Audio Framework