
DUPC Packet communication dumps


Dumps of communication and logs from various DJI hardware.


This storage of communication data will allow to analyze the internal communication protocols, as well as act as reference point for diagnosing hardware issues.

Each file is accompanied by a text document, describing how it was captured, and what was the scenario of the run.


These communication files are in PCap format, and are intended to use with Wireshark, though any tool with PCap support can open them.

In order for the content to be analyzed by Wireshark, dissectors have to be installed. Follow instructions to add the dissectors for Dji protocols to your Wireshark installation.

It is possible to make a script which drops the PCap headers and converts the files to raw data form. But as long as there is no need, there is no script.

DLT_USER slots

Each of the PCap files contain information about which communication protocol is used within it. Since there is no official definition of the DJI protocols within possible choices, the "user protocol" was used in these PCap files. There are several user slots available; to make the files here work, you should associate:

  • DLT_USER3 with dji_p3 to open any of Phantom 3 files
  • DLT_USER8 with dji_mavic to open any of Mavic files
  • DLT_USER10 with dji_spark to open any of Spark files

Related tools

The files in this repository are either captured by comm_serial2pcap.py, or converted to PCap format from raw DATs using comm_dat2pcap.py.