
Angular Projects from https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-guide-to-angular-2

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Angular Projects from https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-guide-to-angular-2


Directory containing assignments from the course to demonstrate understanding of different concepts.


Literally the most basic Angular application with just the app component.


Example showing adding bootstrap.css to the styles in the configuration schema in angular.json. Also shows a basic new Component.


Databinding: {{ stringInterpolation }}, [property]="binding", (event)="binding()" and [(two-way)]="binding".

If you want to output or print something, use string interpolation. If you want to change some property (html element, directive, component), typically you will use property binding. If you want an event to bind to a function, use event binding.

If you want both, use two-way binding. It's just syntactic sugar for combining property binding and event binding.

Directives: Components, Structural directives, Attribute directives

Components: Directives with a template. Structural directives: Change DOM layout by adding/removing elements. Examples are *ngIf, *ngFor. Attribute directives: Change appearance or behavior of an element, component, or other directive. Examples are [ngStyle], [ngClass].


An actual small project using nested components to display a recipe list and shopping list with options to manage both.


Databinding on custom Components.

@Input() decorator for databinding on properties/variables. @Output() decorator for databinding on events.


Creating custom structural and attribute directives to attach on elements.


Create absolute and local routes. Apply styling to elements based on the current route.