
Slack App for sharing what you are listening on Spotify with others through Slack Status

Primary LanguageGo

Spotify Status for Slack

This slack app allows you to share your musical taste with your coworkers inside Slack, by allowing the app to connect to your spotify account

Spotify Status working

Built and running with:

  • Go
  • Docker
  • Fly.io
  • New Relic
  • Slack API
  • Spotify API

Go external libs

Application layers

There are 3 main layers:

  • handlers: only call exported services.
  • services: call unexported services and repositories
  • repositories: communicate with database (and eventually other repos)

Application layers

Folders structure

┣ 📂app_error
┣ 📂crypto
┣ 📂domain
┣ 📂handlers
┣ 📂repositories
┃ ┣ 📂db_entities
┣ 📂services
┣ 📂static
┃ ┣ 📂completed
┃ ┣ 📂home
┗ 📜server.go

app_error: custom application errors

domain: entities from application business rules

handlers: api handlers

repositories: database related, including queries

db_entities: database entities, a mirror from the schema

services: where all the logic is applied to make the magic happen

static: UI files

completed: UI for the completed page (after the user accepted everything)

home: UI for the homepage

Medium (outdated)


Run locally

docker compose up


First, setup your fly.io account, database and new relic, then:

fly launch

fly auth login

fly secrets set <secret>

fly deploy

Running app
