The API Client is a Python library that simplifies access to the API service. It provides real-time information about air raid alerts and other potential threats.
To install the API Client, run the following command in your terminal:
pip install alerts_in_ua
Installation in dev mode
git clone
cd alerts-in-ua-py
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]
⚠️ Before you can use this library, you need to obtain an API token by submitting an API request form.
Here's a basic example of how to use the library to get a list of active alerts:
from alerts_in_ua import Client
# Initialize the client with your token
client = Client(token="your_token")
# or set your token as environment variable AIU_API_TOKEN
client = Client()
import asyncio
# there are client definition
async def main():
# Get the active alerts_details
active_alerts = await client.async_get_active()
# Run the asynchronous function
# there are client definition
# Get the active alerts_details
active_alerts = client.get_active()
You can get air raid status for target location or all locatons The methods bellow returns AirRaidOblastStatus or AirRaidOblastStatuses
AirRaidOblastStatus - Single air raid status
AirRaidOblastStatuses - List[AirRaidOblastStatus]
# # For target location
# Synchronous
client.get_air_raid(<uid|location_title>) # -> AirRaidOblastStatus
# Asynchronous
await client.async_get_air_raid(<uid|location_title>) # -> AirRaidOblastStatus
# # For all locations
# Synchronous
client.get_air_raids() # -> AirRaidOblastStatuses
# Asynchronous
client.async_get_air_raids() # -> AirRaidOblastStatuses
# AirRaidOblastStatuses.filter(self, *criteria: FilterType) -> List[AirRaidOblastStatus]
AirRaidOblastStatuses = statuses.filter(('location_uid', 16), )
Alerts class is a collection of alerts and provides various methods to filter and access these alerts.
When user call client.active_alerts()
it returns Alerts
# Last tome of update
last_updated = Alerts.last_updated_at # -> Optional[datetime]
# Meta
meta = Alerts.meta # -> Optional[AlertsMeta]
# Meta
alerts = Alerts.alerts # -> Optional[List[AlertDetails]]
This method filters the alerts based on the given parameters. You can apply multiple filters at a same time
from alerts_in_ua.alerts import FilterCriterion
filtered_alerts = alerts.filter(
FilterCriterion('location_uid', 16),
('location_oblast', 'Донецька область'),
) # -> List[AlertDetails]
In this example, filtered_alerts will contain all the air raid alerts that have the location oblast as 'Донецька область'.
# Get Alert.alerts Iterator
alerts.iter_alerts() # -> Iterator[AlertDetails]
This class provide an information about alert
from alerts_in_ua.alert import AlertDetails
# class AlertDetails:
# Attributes:
id: Optional[int] = None
location_title: Optional[str]
location_type: LocationType
started_at: Optional[datetime]
finished_at: Optional[datetime]
updated_at: Optional[datetime]
alert_type: AlertType
location_uid: Optional[int]
location_oblast: Optional[str]
location_oblast_uid: Optional[int]
location_raion: Optional[str]
calculated: Optional[bool]
notes: Optional[str]
# Properties
is_finished # -> bool - is alert not active yet
duration # -> Optional[timedelta] - time how long alert still/was active
MIT 2023